Recent content by hootbe

  1. H

    River Lugg - Revisited? Another river...

    If you resort to abuse, you've got nothing intelligent to say
  2. H

    River Lugg - Revisited? Another river...

    I'm afraid this is a tad incoherent but thank you
  3. H

    River Lugg - Revisited? Another river...

    I wouldn't have too much confidence in anything JP says
  4. H

    River Lugg - Revisited? Another river...

    Classic whataboutery
  5. H

    River Lugg - Revisited? Another river...

    I agree with you.
  6. H

    River Lugg - Revisited? Another river...

    A handy timeline on the lier John Price 1998 Price put rubble against the river bank and was handed a warning. Later that year, he removed around 10 tonnes of gravel from the river without consent and when told he was committing a criminal offence, told officials 'to just forget about it'...
  7. H

    River Lugg - Revisited? Another river...

    Also reported by The Crown Prosecution Service on their website. I suppose you think they're biased too.
  8. H

    River Lugg, Herefordshire

    Everything you have said here is totally irrelevant to the case that he pleaded guilty to.
  9. H

    River Lugg, Herefordshire

    His decisions landed him in jail! He knew exactly where the consequences of his actions may lead. He had many warnings in the past and was fully aware of the required permissions. His problem was is that he thought he was above the law.
  10. H

    River Lugg, Herefordshire

  11. H

    River Lugg, Herefordshire

  12. H

    River Lugg, Herefordshire

    Oh dear Dwarf, I think you'll find the law effects everyone's life, including mine and yours. Second paragraph...?? No idea what you're on about. Where and who were the idiots?
  13. H

    River Lugg, Herefordshire

    It's about breaking the law!! He wasn't told to start either.