Recent content by SteveHants

  1. SteveHants


    Its fine - just feed them grass. See:
  2. SteveHants

    Private eye nails it

    I don't think those figures are right - we are a net exporter of sheepmeat, for example, by some margin.
  3. SteveHants

    Do you pay staff for there dinner breaks?

    In my experience, feeding staff costs very little, but generates a disproportionately large amount of goodwill.
  4. SteveHants

    Attracting employees in agriculture. (contracting)

    It really isn't - at 27K your loan repayment is about a fiver a week (or at least mine was about 6 years ago).
  5. SteveHants

    Attracting employees in agriculture. (contracting)

    It OK, its a cliche that people have been repeating for years, I wouldn't take any notice of it.
  6. SteveHants

    Too fat to farm?

    That is one of the theories about how white skin evolved in the first place - at more northerly latitudes, dark skinned people can't survive well because they can't make enough vit D.
  7. SteveHants

    Too fat to farm?

    I know you were - I wondered if you might have some insight I don't from a medical perspective. Essentially, I was agreeing with you. Much like lung cancer sufferers, people with stomas have to put up with some fantastical bulls**t at times, the major saving grace being, of course that nobody...
  8. SteveHants

    Too fat to farm?

    Mate of mine used to have a theory (which I quite like): Southern Europeans have a "table culture" because it is warm for most of the year, and sitting round a table is pleasant. Northern Europeans have a "hearth culture", where we mostly sat round the fire (because it's cold mostly) and told...
  9. SteveHants

    Too fat to farm?

    What has having a stoma or not got to do with anything? I have an ileostomy - as a result of ulcerative colitis, which is an autoimmune disease, which one is predisposed to and then is usually brought on my a bout of food poisoning or similar, has sweet FA to do with diet (other than the time...
  10. SteveHants

    Attracting employees in agriculture. (contracting)

    Yes, and 16% on a 16k mortgage in the 80s (I think it was - they boughttheirfirsthouse late 70s) is nothing like as crippling 16% on an 160k mortgage would be today (although my mortgage is nothing like that much, would be a usual mortgage amount for a first time buyer outside of London). Take...
  11. SteveHants

    Attracting employees in agriculture. (contracting)

    I have a mortgage and my house is worth more than that, thanks. The point is, that the house my parents bought actually cost just over 3 times my dad's salary whilst my mum also worked. When I bought my house, it cost 185K and I was earning 30k - do you see the discrepancy? The only reason I...
  12. SteveHants

    Bank of England

    Yes, you can get unsecured borrowing of 100% of the value of some things.....
  13. SteveHants

    Bank of England

    Its unsecured borrowing, mostly, unless you mean that the purchased asset depreciates rapidly.
  14. SteveHants

    Attracting employees in agriculture. (contracting)

    It's interesting talking to my parents, who unlike many people of their age seem not to have developed selective amnesia and/or stay in touch with what young people are doing (mum was a teacher, is now a school governor). Back when they bought a house - you had a deposit, could get 3-3.5 x the...
  15. SteveHants

    Australian Whites

    I wonder if methane output is correlated to a sheep's ability to digest forage? No idea if there is any work on this, but to me more methane suggests more enteric bacteria (or harder working ones) which might suggest that the sheep can digest/convert rougher forage? Perhaps I should go and see...