Recent content by Tamar

  1. Tamar

    Will it ever dry up

    The drought will be here soon Followed by another monsoon
  2. Tamar

    Red Tractor Officially Scrap The GFC

    GFC scrapped 👍✅ Next step, scrap RT !
  3. Tamar

    National Grid, compound yard request, key points please

    Just ask them what they are prepared to pay ? At least then you can say yes or no. If there is no plan B, you might be surprised
  4. Tamar

    Kent Farm Expo '24 - 06/03/24

    Good luck. Hope you have a successful day
  5. Tamar

    claire hughes, Sainsburys report on future >2019

    She never factored in No Farmers, No food !! I suppose the vegans can eat grass
  6. Tamar

    Wool, where are you sending yours this year?

    Just imagine how many bottles of wine and biscuits you would have if you hadn't bred the wool out of your sheep !! 🍷 Not so smug now 🤣🤣
  7. Tamar

    legal or ethical?

    Great where did that RT inspector go !! ;)
  8. Tamar

    Travelling with a view to emigrating.

    I think you maybe shocked at the price of ag land now in NZ. You may have missed that boat. It appears the cheaper land is being planted with trees to tick the green box. .......but have a great time.
  9. Tamar

    George Monboit in the Guardian

    The trouble is that someone always posts what George Wanabe says in the Guardian, which then we click on that raises his the guardian are happy with the extra readers and lets him keep posting his drival !! Stop posting about him
  10. Tamar

    Environment Agency Q&A - Agricultural Regulations

    ....but how many questions got deleted ? Not to mention we were not allowed to ask the questions most farmers wanted to ask, about maintenance and flooding ! But I guess TFF has at least given them a platform which they have taken. Can't wait until RT do the same. Might be waiting a while...
  11. Tamar

    Environment Agency Q&A - Agricultural Regulations

    :oops: Several of the questions were deleted, several not answered. What really was the point of this exercise ? At least AHDB didn't shirk away from the awkward questions when they did a Q and A session. Oh I wonder why farmers don't respect the EA.......... think you have at least answered...
  12. Tamar

    Concrete base for FYM storage

    I think they want us to stop livestock farming !! Without livestock, the watercourses will still be polluted and the Co2 and ozone levels will be much the same.................... then the idiots with degrees, will realise it wasn't the farmers polluting the rivers or causing the greenhouse gasses.
  13. Tamar

    Euro in trouble

    Brexit might be a great decision then ! Just saying
  14. Tamar

    Red tractor spot inspection

    :facepalm: You mean that Campbell Ticknell review was flawed !?! :rolleyes: (I guess you don't realise how much I absolutely detest RT @Old apprentice )
  15. Tamar

    Capital grants - Farming Equipment and Technology Fund 2024

    The paperwork and office time is tremendous on these grant schemes..............I think the RPA workers must think its there own money they are giving away from the bizaar requests that my last FETF caused.