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  1. T

    Pregnant ewe with sore foot

    Hi, I’ve a ewe in lamb now roughly 3 months. I noticed she has quite a sore foot this morning. Just wondering whether to inject her or not (because she’s inlamb). Also alamycin or pen strep which would be best? Thanks
  2. T

    Keeping ewe lambs indoor during Winter?

    Well folks, Thinking of bringing this years crop of ewe lambs into the sheds due to the torrential weather recently. Spacious pens, good ventilation and a good supply of hay and meal. Would this be better than keeping them outdoors?
  3. T

    Thinking of buying Pedigree Sheep!

    Hello. I’m seriously considering purchasing a few in lamb Texel ewes at upcoming winter sales. I have a budget of £1500-£2000. Would it be worth it?