
  1. L

    SFI second quarterly payment

    Have I missed something? First payment came in early November, I thought it was quarterly from then but no confirmation letter or payment has been seen. Are we now in line for another 3-4 month wait as the first payment came pretty soon after signing although now the SFI says 1st payment after...
  2. daveydiesel1

    How to, go from all year calving to jan-feb calving

    Considering going to spring claving instead of all year. Any idea how many years this would take to achieve? How do people get them all incalf by a certain date?
  3. L

    Building the perfect direct drill

    Come on you farm engineers if you were to build one from scratch what features would be an absolute must. Would you choose discs or more of a knife like coulter? How would you go about designing a drill which would cope with a mixture of cropping from Cereal,rotational grass ,into cover crops...
  4. Clive

    Annual conformation

    How does this work ? ie our sfi application is the parcels we intend to put into various options but with many being rotational and there being flexibility to increase without limit and reduce area by up to 50% am I correct in understanding that we will have to effectively do a...
  5. Jsmith2211

    Moseley Says Sack The Board Can't say I disagree with him on that, fire the lot of them... Get some people in that care about the farmers they are supposed to be working for, not the supermarkets which they have decided to work for instead.
  6. Humble Village Farmer

    BFU signs up 25 new members in a week.

    Thanks to all who have joined.
  7. Scrambler

    Is SFI panicking farming suppliers?

    From some conversations I’ve had recently, I’m getting the feeling there’s some panick in businesses that rely on farming customers that large scale SFI options could become very popular. For instance, suggesting that it wouldn’t be moral, or that you wouldn’t be a real “farmer” if you take...