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Download PDF A grain trade that’s ready for Brexit needs to be efficient, far-reaching, fully digital and trustworthy. CPM assesses how Openfield, Britain’s only national grain-marketing and arable inputs co-operative, measures up. Buyers come to us because we’re recognised as a trader with a more developed process – we understand their requirements. By Tom Allen-Stevens It’s fair to say this year’s large exportable UK cereal surplus – the first one in wheat since 2016 – combined with the threat of a no-deal Brexit at the end of October, have given the grain trade something of a challenge. Between July and the end of October, 1.25M tonnes of new crop, or around 42,000 lorry loads, were sold for spot movement, according to AHDB – double the figure for the same period last year. The 2.88M tonne surplus from the 2019 cereal crop kept ports working like fury, and it’s estimated more than half of this was shipped across the water between harvest and Halloween. So the UK’s managed to shift the load from its swollen stores in double-quick time at a price point that’s remained above a respectable £120/t for feed wheat – no mean feat into a global demand situation…
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