Have a case ih puma 230cvx steer ready from the factory which was fitted with second hand nh rtk auto steer equipment almost 2 years ago.
Has never worked right since it was installed. It just won't drive straight.
It can be up to 30cm off line at times but is mostly 3.5-15cm off line. It is like it can't acquire the AB line and just meanders around it snaking back and forward. It is no good for cereal drilling and definitely no good for ridging up tattie land.
Was thought that the vaderdtad rapid drill was the issue at first, this was upgraded to a spirit this year and it still does it. Tried driving on bare stubble a month or so ago at drilling speeds of 10-15kmh with nothing on the tractor and you could see the weaving in the wheelmarks
Has anyone had similar issues and had it resolved?
Has never worked right since it was installed. It just won't drive straight.
It can be up to 30cm off line at times but is mostly 3.5-15cm off line. It is like it can't acquire the AB line and just meanders around it snaking back and forward. It is no good for cereal drilling and definitely no good for ridging up tattie land.
Was thought that the vaderdtad rapid drill was the issue at first, this was upgraded to a spirit this year and it still does it. Tried driving on bare stubble a month or so ago at drilling speeds of 10-15kmh with nothing on the tractor and you could see the weaving in the wheelmarks
Has anyone had similar issues and had it resolved?