Following a chat with my STW adviser, I am looking at moving across a 7-8ha block of very heavy, low lying clay into a grass herbal mix, for grazing and/or conservation. The fine details will be sketched out this Summer! The land has been in cereals since it came out of low input reversion grassland in 2010, and is looking sad...
The land will be coming out of SB in August, (if the CFA lads ever drill it after failing to get WW in!) and would go into the ley, May 2021. I am wondering what the best overwintering CC is likely to be for this land, that will lead into the ley. Assuming probably not a cereal based CC before the ley, but want something easy to take out and DD into. Any thoughts??
The land will be coming out of SB in August, (if the CFA lads ever drill it after failing to get WW in!) and would go into the ley, May 2021. I am wondering what the best overwintering CC is likely to be for this land, that will lead into the ley. Assuming probably not a cereal based CC before the ley, but want something easy to take out and DD into. Any thoughts??