Written by cpm
Download PDF With just over 60% on the national oilseed rape crop making it to harvest, a multipronged strategy will give the crop its best chance and varietal choice is one just part of the puzzle. CPM talks to DeKalb about the characteristics of hybrids and how these may help combat CSFB attack. Too often speed of development is confused with vigour. By Rob Jones Varietal choice is central to most IPM strategies, maintains leading oilseed rape breeder Dekalb, and it’s becoming evident that some varieties seem to cope better with the burden of cabbage stem flea beetle (CSFB) larvae in the spring than others. But for all varieties the first hurdle is to survive during establishment and it’s finding a variety that has an edge in both of these scenarios that isn’t an easy task. Richard Phillips explains that vigour is different to speed of growth and that there are significant differences in autumn and spring between hybrids in trials. There are two strategies when it comes to choosing OSR varieties – go cheap and plentiful or go hybrid. Understandably with the crop under so much pressure from CSFB the cost of seed is a big consideration, but with…
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