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The wheat variety that goes in the ground this autumn faces a future that’s far from certain. CPM tracks the progress of dynamic wheats to assess whether they meet the requirement as market mainstays. I’d be going for a variety that opens up as many markets as possible. By Tom Allen-Stevens Over the past two months, the market for flour has surged, for beer it’s plummeted and milk has been poured down the drain. As you choose a wheat that you may not sell until May 2022, how can you possibly know what surprises the commodity markets will have in store when it gets there? The truth is, you can’t, says Dr Kirsty Richards of KWS. “So it’s always good to keep your options open.” That’s been the thinking behind dynamic wheats. The concept was launched by KWS five years ago, and while the market’s changed considerably since then, the thinking behind it is just as relevant. “At the time, 65% of the wheat in the ground consisted of hard feed varieties. These have their place, but they’re a one-trick pony,” she says. “Dynamic wheats have more market options, high yields and good agronomics. When we launched, KWS Trinity…
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