So I lambed inside this year a small amount and once lambs were a few days to a week old I've put them in the same field as 1 ram. So far he has completely ignored them and everything has been fine. Just wanted to know other people's thoughts/ experiences. Thanks
I had a Shetland tup years ago that child minded the crèche. Think you are more likely to be in danger, if you're out faffing with lambs and not paying attention to what he's doing.
I've got 5 rams and a teaser turned out with my ewes and lambs, entertaining to see the lambs bumping the rams looking for a drink.
Causes me no problems.
I think the worse problem is in lamb ewes in a shed, as a ram will fight them away from food etc. and I don’t think ewe cake is good for their waterworks. Our in a field though there shouldn’t be a problem, if you have no other choice.
Hmm got 1 ram with 5 ewes ( can't afford big farm losses) . Just started lambing and Ram has put x wife on crutches and suspected hip fracture.
Day off tomorrow -taking someone to market..............
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