We have a house empty on a AHA, which did house a workman and i don't think im going to attract a working with the house the way it is. Land lord won't touch for repairs and also claimed we haven't looked after it. Needed about 50K spent on it in the beginning and wanting it back. Then when we said we wanted for a workman they claimed it was 25K to do up. In the end i've had to say i'd move into it and put them in my house. Which does seam to have got the ball rolling after over 2 years now. The agent is now claiming it only needs 5k spending on it and no mention of heating and we pay half the building bill. Do we have rights to insist on heating or not? It'll also need a new kitchen and bathroom which i'm not really going to complain at doing. But our accountant has told us the other day don't spend a penny on it. Too many tenants don't get a penny back and land lord keeps improvements for free.