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Download PDF A group of Sentry Farming growers meet regularly to discuss how to improve prospects for their wheat crops. CPM visits one in the Fens to find out what they’ve learned. One of the best things to come out of the group is the discussion we have. By Tom Allen-Stevens There is a perception that the Yield Enhancement Network (YEN) is a competition between growers to achieve the best yield or the highest percentage of potential yield, from your crop. Ed King is one of a group of growers for whom the competition is just a tiny part. That has nothing to do with where he comes in the rankings, he says, although at 8.9t/ha his crop of KWS Zyatt winter wheat came 301st out of 319 YEN entries last year. Ed is farm manager of three farms run by Sentry Farming, with his base at Wood Farm, Chatteris in the Fens west of Ely. He enters YEN along with seven other Sentry growers. The entries are sponsored by Bayer, that co-ordinates the group, bringing them together twice a year to analyse and discuss results. The Fen skirt soils are undoubtedly light, but full of life. “One of the…
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