Hello everyone!
Im an amature a d have just picked my first (ever) potatos.
The plant leaves recently died of with little brown /black spots on the leaves, so ive taken a look at the potatoes a d wondered if this is ok to eat as the plant died, a d there are a few little round slightly raised brown circles on one of them, are eithet /both of thesr problems common / ok to eat? They are still firm. Thank you!!!
Im an amature a d have just picked my first (ever) potatos.
The plant leaves recently died of with little brown /black spots on the leaves, so ive taken a look at the potatoes a d wondered if this is ok to eat as the plant died, a d there are a few little round slightly raised brown circles on one of them, are eithet /both of thesr problems common / ok to eat? They are still firm. Thank you!!!