Just interested in finding out some info really, as we seem to be finding the quality of edible potatoes extremely poor locally, and we do not want to revert to buying supermarket supplied..
Therefore, why would local farm shops supply 'Spalding Lincolnshire Potatoes' vs local produce in terms of potatoes in Monmouthshire - are they not able to secure locally grown produce that is better quality so have to ship in shite from Spalding?
Edit, not sure this is the right area, but thought Id ask.
Just interested in finding out some info really, as we seem to be finding the quality of edible potatoes extremely poor locally, and we do not want to revert to buying supermarket supplied..
Therefore, why would local farm shops supply 'Spalding Lincolnshire Potatoes' vs local produce in terms of potatoes in Monmouthshire - are they not able to secure locally grown produce that is better quality so have to ship in shite from Spalding?
Edit, not sure this is the right area, but thought Id ask.