This could be interesting too watch! Popcorn ready.
I use a pretty standard blend, not much IRG, bit of perennial RG, some Timothy, White clover. I do mix a bit of westerwolds in to give winter/spring bite while the ley gets going
Depends how long you want it to last and how it's managed. What your soil/climate is like.
And a heap of other factors, like animal health requirements and terrain.
In a way it's like a sheep flock, you can have high-producing sheep that don't last very long or less productive sheep that don't need replaced as often; you'll thus get a heap of different answers as it depends so much on context
high sugar , late heading prg , with wc , maybe bit of chicory to start here , but mainly down to soil pk and lime how long it will last , some rented bits revert to old grasses quite quickly
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