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Download PDF The south west of England is a hotspot for cereal diseases, but has the potential for some of the highest yields in the UK. CPM joins Real Results grower Mike Hambly as he reviews the past two years’ trials. This part of the world suffers from septoria isolates as aggressive as those you’d find in Ireland. By Tom Allen-Stevens Mike Hambly describes himself as a “careful Cornishman”. He can’t deny he’s drawn by the attraction of big yields, but keeps his focus firmly on the profit these must deliver. “The thing that gives me a kick at the end of the day is a full barn – that’s the ultimate satisfaction. But I’m proudly Cornish, and it must be in our Celtic nature to scrutinise costs closely, so the way we farm is aimed squarely at delivering a healthy margin,” he says. Farming in South East Cornwall near Callington, Mike runs and operates the Westcott Farm Partnership with his wife Anne. There’s 195ha of clay loam soils with a four-course rotation of winter wheat, winter oats, winter barley and oilseed rape. This is run alongside a beef enterprise that comprises a two-year system to graze the farm’s permanent…
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