Don’t worry, not all in the same field!
in an effort to avoid blanket usage of glyphosate I may have missed a few patches of bg in my stubbles which were direct drilled with spring wheat, the spring wheat has come through nicely, had avadex pre em and was due to have liberator and picomax but it’s as dry as ghandys sandal so I’m sitting tight on that one. There are a few rosettes of bg which are quite well filleted which I’m going to have to remove.
so basically my question is Dutch hoe or spot spray? I fancy the hoe because I don’t want footsteps all over my field but if it doesn’t kill it then it isn’t funny!
the other one, 2 fields ex long term rye grass had no pre em and are pretty patchy winter wheat, the good bits have a sprinkling of rye grass, normally I would use Atlantis as there are a few cleavers present and the fields have never and will never see it again so the resistance side doesn’t worry me. However the dodgy bits also have some odd amg so I wondered what the right choice is? Is othello going to do both? How will Atlantis go on amg? Will the otherworldly do the rg? i haven’t investigated the economic difference yet either?
if needs be I’ll treat the rg, ignore the amg and roundup it if it gets offensive since the areas it’s in might not be worth harvesting anyway.
in an effort to avoid blanket usage of glyphosate I may have missed a few patches of bg in my stubbles which were direct drilled with spring wheat, the spring wheat has come through nicely, had avadex pre em and was due to have liberator and picomax but it’s as dry as ghandys sandal so I’m sitting tight on that one. There are a few rosettes of bg which are quite well filleted which I’m going to have to remove.
so basically my question is Dutch hoe or spot spray? I fancy the hoe because I don’t want footsteps all over my field but if it doesn’t kill it then it isn’t funny!
the other one, 2 fields ex long term rye grass had no pre em and are pretty patchy winter wheat, the good bits have a sprinkling of rye grass, normally I would use Atlantis as there are a few cleavers present and the fields have never and will never see it again so the resistance side doesn’t worry me. However the dodgy bits also have some odd amg so I wondered what the right choice is? Is othello going to do both? How will Atlantis go on amg? Will the otherworldly do the rg? i haven’t investigated the economic difference yet either?
if needs be I’ll treat the rg, ignore the amg and roundup it if it gets offensive since the areas it’s in might not be worth harvesting anyway.