Have an issue with the numerous LED security lights around the house and grounds that were all installed 18 months ago when we were completing the rebuild, all done at the same time, same light with the same type of remote mounted sensor
Basically, whenever it gets windy they go on and off a lot - I guess they are picking up the movement of trees and plants etc
The electrician that installed them says nothing he can do - the sensors work of movement alone and that's that ....... live with it everyone has the same issue
My AV guys, however, say that they should work on heat and movement so tress should not set them off? only people and animals should do
Who is telling me the truth, please? I have a feeling the electrician maybe being economical with the truth under fear of having tho replace them all ?
Basically, whenever it gets windy they go on and off a lot - I guess they are picking up the movement of trees and plants etc
The electrician that installed them says nothing he can do - the sensors work of movement alone and that's that ....... live with it everyone has the same issue
My AV guys, however, say that they should work on heat and movement so tress should not set them off? only people and animals should do
Who is telling me the truth, please? I have a feeling the electrician maybe being economical with the truth under fear of having tho replace them all ?