Afternoon all, I'm after some advice on stocking densities and any general recommendations about the situation.
I'm looking to purchase around 20-25 Chevs this autumn to bring back to our 30ac of reseeded (traditional lay, not ryegrass) pasture. I'll be looking for fit, middle aged ladies who know what they are doing and will cope well with moving down country from longtown or lockerby to north yorkshire.
The plan is to put them to a hired leicester tup, keep the hoggs and sell off the wether's. I'd like to keep the hogs for a year to grow before putting them to a terminal sire, possibly texel/beltex/suffolk or even back to a southy Cheviot (we obviously have a while to think about this so not too worried about tup breed yet).
The Land has recently been reseeded, we're not desperate to get a crop off it this year, but may get some late hay if the season and crop allows. It's 3 x 10acre fields of improved PP, 950m ish, with mostly stock proof fencing and walls (we're on with it!) and we will have an IBC trailer for drinking.
There are no livestock buildings on the land, so the girls will have to be outdoor lambing, which I'm not so worried about for the chevs, but does anyone have any experience lambing chev mules to terminal sires? By then I would like to have a small polytunel or similar for them to shelter themselves or be lambed in if needs be.
So I guess my questions are, do you think this is a realistic business plan, what are your opinions on stocking density for this type of land, and does anyone have experience lambing chev mules to terminal tups?
Thanks if you've got this far - I'm from farming but don't have a chance to look in on the home suckler farm and trying to start out with sheep.
oh, and I'm aware that Chevs are...a 'lively' breed and love them for it!
I'm looking to purchase around 20-25 Chevs this autumn to bring back to our 30ac of reseeded (traditional lay, not ryegrass) pasture. I'll be looking for fit, middle aged ladies who know what they are doing and will cope well with moving down country from longtown or lockerby to north yorkshire.
The plan is to put them to a hired leicester tup, keep the hoggs and sell off the wether's. I'd like to keep the hogs for a year to grow before putting them to a terminal sire, possibly texel/beltex/suffolk or even back to a southy Cheviot (we obviously have a while to think about this so not too worried about tup breed yet).
The Land has recently been reseeded, we're not desperate to get a crop off it this year, but may get some late hay if the season and crop allows. It's 3 x 10acre fields of improved PP, 950m ish, with mostly stock proof fencing and walls (we're on with it!) and we will have an IBC trailer for drinking.
There are no livestock buildings on the land, so the girls will have to be outdoor lambing, which I'm not so worried about for the chevs, but does anyone have any experience lambing chev mules to terminal sires? By then I would like to have a small polytunel or similar for them to shelter themselves or be lambed in if needs be.
So I guess my questions are, do you think this is a realistic business plan, what are your opinions on stocking density for this type of land, and does anyone have experience lambing chev mules to terminal tups?
Thanks if you've got this far - I'm from farming but don't have a chance to look in on the home suckler farm and trying to start out with sheep.
oh, and I'm aware that Chevs are...a 'lively' breed and love them for it!