Written by Charlotte Cunningham
An increase in demand for rye grain in pig feed has led to a recent surge in interest in growing hybrid rye, according to the latest information from Glencore Agriculture UK. Charlotte Cunningham reports. Glencore, who work closely with agronomy group Agrii, launched a new grain rye buyback contract to UK growers earlier this year and have recently reported significant early uptake, particularly from farmers growing hybrid rye for the first time. “It’s a very challenging environment for farmers right now. Limitations on the use of agrochemicals, lowering input costs and the need to widen rotations to help control blackgrass all make hybrid rye an attractive new crop choice for many arable farmers,” explains Gencore managing director, James Maw. “Offering farmers the opportunity to grow hybrid rye, supported by the reassurance of the Glencore buyback, alongside excellent technical support available from our partner Agrii, should give farmers a lot of confidence, even if they’ve never grown the crop before. Farmers are business people at heart. They continually assess new cropping opportunities and, if they see an opportunity to drive gross margin revenues, they will grow it.” Untapped potential Ben Lowe, national forage product manager for Agrii, who provides technical advice…
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