Have you seen the bit about how they fancy trying to collect the levy for another 12 months to the Hortic sector after the Vote to disband?! I wouldn't be impressed if i was a Hortic member. I think cereals ADHB has some good bits (eg grain storage guide) but I obviously dislike the Red Tractor funding and I feel they should do more on our behalf to lobby for retention of key actives like CTL..........
Defra secretary tells NFU Live he will respect outcome of ballot but says government is exploring options to retain certain valued services offered by R&D body
^^^This says Eustice wants a vote for all the sectors.
I think the ahdb do a good job generally. I am livid though that they use my money to support red tractor which as we all know is a job creation scheme, a nice little earner for the non farmers union. It also skews the market place and generally costs farmers time and money, ensuring what we buy is expensive and what we sell is cheap.
AHDB do a lot of positive things for arable farming but I just don't understand their support for RT,a body which fragments ,over regulates and brings unnecessary costs to the arable sector.
I think their survival very much depends on the future policy with regards RT.I expect they know this too.
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