Well, gone are the days of using vydate with lots of simple bits and pieces.
With short notice and no chance to see machines set up for velum given the current situation.
What does a velum applicator need, without spending a fortune with manufacturers who probably can’t build machines fast enough?
I’m only talking a set up for 30ac potatoes on a 2 row planter.
The label says a nozzle in front of the furrow and one as the row closes.
Do the proper rigs just use 4x 80deg flat fan nozzles?
I was thinking using a quad bike sprayer to hold enough water for a acre. (200l /ha application rate) with a electric pump, 4 simple nozzles A good pressure gauge and fixed forward speed.
With short notice and no chance to see machines set up for velum given the current situation.
What does a velum applicator need, without spending a fortune with manufacturers who probably can’t build machines fast enough?
I’m only talking a set up for 30ac potatoes on a 2 row planter.
The label says a nozzle in front of the furrow and one as the row closes.
Do the proper rigs just use 4x 80deg flat fan nozzles?
I was thinking using a quad bike sprayer to hold enough water for a acre. (200l /ha application rate) with a electric pump, 4 simple nozzles A good pressure gauge and fixed forward speed.