Written by Charlotte Cunningham
Continued wet weather prolonging this autumn’s planting season means UK growers intend to plant 1.65 million ha to wheat, compared to 1.82 million last year, according to the latest data from AHDB. Charlotte Cunningham reports. AHDB’s Early Bird Survey, released yesterday (25 November), provides a snapshot of farmers’ intentions for winter and spring crops as of mid-November. But the unpredictable impacts of the weather over the coming weeks means AHDB will rerun the survey in the new year to ensure it reflects the latest intentions of growers as the winter progresses and weather conditions change. However according to the survey, as well as decline in wheat area, the winter barley area may also drop to 398,000ha, 12% lower than the 452,000ha planted for harvesting in 2019. The annual survey, which is carried out for AHDB by the Andersons Centre, Association of Independent Crop Consultants (AICC) and other agronomists, is the first assessment of national cropping for the harvest year. It includes crops in the ground, winter crops still to be sown through December and January and intentions for spring plantings. Swing towards spring cropping This year’s survey shows a swing towards spring cropping, with growers intending to plant 28% more…
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