Sugar beet yields


Arable Farmer
West Suffolk
Where are yields for the Bury factory off non irrigated heavy land?


I don't know anyone who has lifted any locally yet, but we are on sand. I passed a couple of Brian Nunn trucks on the narrow roads to Finborough (;)) last week, which looked to have some decent sized roots on board, not like my parsnip sized beet!


Arable Farmer
south norfolk
Heard this afternoon sugars around deopham in Norfolk running 17/18% which suprised me.yeilds not as drastic as thought either but no figures quoted

Flat 10

Arable Farmer
Fen Edge
I was quoted 72-85, not sure of soil types or accuracy of information. Factory report shows sugars in excess of 17.5% though.


265t of 3.5ha adjusted over factory weighbridge.content at that for first lift

Thank you for posting but I wish you had not. It is important British Sugar do not have access to information about such good yields at this stage of campaign in what is likely to be such a miserable year.

Or they will just bounce back at the industry 'see 2017 massive yields and in adversity the better farmers managed similar in 2018' note I included term better farmers - that will be the benchmarking mantra. Apologies, my grumbly chunter this morning.

Best wishes,


Thank you for posting but I wish you had not. It is important British Sugar do not have access to information about such good yields at this stage of campaign in what is likely to be such a miserable year.

Or they will just bounce back at the industry 'see 2017 massive yields and in adversity the better farmers managed similar in 2018' note I included term better farmers - that will be the benchmarking mantra. Apologies, my grumbly chunter this morning.

Best wishes,

British Sugar have all that info through the portal?

SFI - What % were you taking out of production?

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  • Up to 25%

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  • 25-50%

    Votes: 42 13.5%
  • 50-75%

    Votes: 6 1.9%
  • 75-100%

    Votes: 5 1.6%
  • 100% I’ve had enough of farming!

    Votes: 19 6.1%

Expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive offer for farmers published

  • 267
  • 1
Expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive offer from July will give the sector a clear path forward and boost farm business resilience.

From: Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs and The Rt Hon Sir Mark Spencer MP Published21 May 2024


Full details of the expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) offer available to farmers from July have been published by the...