Advertise on The Farming Forum

Information on how you can use The Farming Forum to promote your business.
Advertising with The Farmers Forum

Advertise on the biggest agricultural website in the UK

Advertise on our thriving community with over 45,000 active members and over 485,000 unique individuals from the agricultural sector. Farmers have written over a billion words on The Farming Forum over the past 11 years and add around 300,000 words a day of content. That is over 7 magazine issues a day (49 magazines a week) or more content than the rest of the agricutural media put together.

Why advertise with us? Be where your customers are:

  • Interact and build relationships directly with your customers. Put your product in front of the customer first
  • No print, design or production costs. A fast and hassle free way to start advertising exactly when you want, how you want
  • Build your brands reputation by associating with a trusted, independent online farming community
  • Target your advertising directly to decision makers actively making purchases. Increasing the effectiveness of your campaign and saving you money
  • Target your advertising by region
  • Target your advertising by type of farmer livestock/arable/conservation ag/renewable energy/etc
  • Advertise to people you cannot reach in any other way
  • Advertise in either print in Direct Driller Magazine or digital on The Farming Forum
  • Machinery specific advertising for dealers available on Farm Calssifieds

Our Publications:

  • The Farming Forum
  • Direct Driller Magazine
  • Farm Classifieds
  • Farm Compare

Contact us about advertising

Complete the form below and our team will get in touch and talk about our advertising packages and how best to target the farmers you are interested in.

Trusted brands are already advertising with us

Agco, New Holland and Syngenta Zetor, Trimble and ADM VG, Monsanto, Bayer, Claydon


I newly entered the industry in January and was told very quickly that The Farming Forum was a definite channel to be involved with. The options are flexible giving you the opportunity to make changes on a regular basis and be reactive if necessary. My many questions were answered efficiently and the support also given by the digital team is a bonus

Seonaid Ross – Soil Essentials

We have been working with The Farming Forum for the last year and a half and have always found the team to be very helpful, accommodating and quick to respond. We look forward to our future communications!

Clair Mills – Shelbourne Reynolds

We have advertised a few times with The Farming Forum and each time we have found the team to be very helpful with their assistance for getting the banners ready for the start of the campaigns which have all had an excellent ROI. We would highly recommend The Farming Forum to any company looking to target their products or services at the UK and Ireland agricultural market

Alan Dennis - Agri Market Insight and Access Ltd

Why use digital social media advertising

The Farming Forum Continues to Grow

Forum Growth Chart
  • We have up to 485,000 unique individuals involved in agriculture from around the world reading our content each month
  • We have over 65,000 members contributing and this is constantly growing as is the website as a whole. We saw 100% growth in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 and we are still seeing double digit growth in 2020.
  • We on average serve over 10.5 million page views a month to PCs, tablets and smart phones. With mobile traffic increasing the most.
  • We are the biggest Agricultural Website in the UK as ranked by with a position of 330th in the UK
  • All our advertising is targetted, meaning we try and only show your adverts to the the farmers you consider are your target audience position of 330th in the UK

Are you ready to advertise on the biggest Agricultural Website in the UK?

Our Agricultural Advertisers Program

This excellent program delivers a year round presence and level of engagement no other agricultural sites can rival. Gold, Silver and Bronze packages to suit your budget. This program requires a 12 months commitment and packages start from as little as £175 per month

Enrolling in our agricultural advertising program delivers targeted advertising as well as brand awareness. Offering terrific value with preferential rates and other opportunities such as competitions, company pages, advertiser sponsored threads, event promotion and product launches

You also have a company thread and a login giving you the possibility to post and reply to threads with further branding using your company logo as the avatar and signature for customers to contact you directly

Chris Fellows - Agri Web Media - [email protected]

Contact us about advertising

Complete the form below and our team will get in touch and talk about our advertising packages and how best to target the farmers you are interested in.
