Recent content by Trying my best

  1. T

    Potato Price Tracker

    Hows planting progressing?
  2. T

    Potato Price Tracker

    Are prices still firming with planting getting later?
  3. T

    Potato Price Tracker

    I know! But won't be surprised if we are talking about needing rain by July 🥴
  4. T

    Potato Price Tracker

    Hows early chipping stuff looking like in Cheshire and Shropshire compared to usual?
  5. T

    Potato Price Tracker

    Yes. Was on some light land that got very dry in June/July then had a big dump of rain and they just blew themselves open! Never had sagitta crack before....
  6. T

    Potato Price Tracker

    Yes thanks, can't complain at all really. Sagitta had serious growth cracks, even some as small as 50mm were cracked! Hardly a peep of complaint out of the customers and a good price. Some years they would be going down the road to digester / stock feed.
  7. T

    Potato Price Tracker

    What variety are those? I've always been scared of blackleg risk. Some processing variety don't seem as bad?
  8. T

    Potato Price Tracker

    I've finished now, but thought good stuff was making nearer £600?
  9. T

    Potato Price Tracker

    I've finished now, b
  10. T

    Potato Price Tracker

    How's the seed situation going?
  11. T

    Potato Price Tracker

    Will they run through your planter that size?
  12. T

    Potato Price Tracker

    Same here with sagitta. I ordered early August, off the same merchant for at least 10 years and always pay week after delivery. On the other hand if we're all in same boat less will be more?
  13. T

    Potato Price Tracker

    Tax man be sending you a Xmas card this year 🥴
  14. T

    Potato Price Tracker

    I wouldn't take any less than £400 if the quality is right. The lad that came to dmn the other week told me there was a bit less in stores than this time last year on the farms he goes to. 🤷
  15. T

    Potato Price Tracker

    I could do with a few tonnes more ☹️