The storage of Plant Protection Products is a highly regulated industry with guidelines stipulated in UK laws, DEFRA’s Code of Practice and assurance schemes. The requirement for professional stores to have storekeepers with a Certificate of Competence forms part of these regulations.

The BASIS Nominated Storekeeper Course equips individuals to meet the standards required in the DEFRA Code of Practice for Suppliers of Pesticides to Agriculture, Horticulture & Forestry.

Safe storage of Plant Protection Products is crucial for the safety of workers in professional stores, as well as the general public. It is also important for preventing environmental damage and pollution. Therefore, regulations surrounding this area are understandably stringent. One key aspect of safe storage is storekeeper training.

BASIS Nominated Storekeeper courses cover all aspects of pesticide storage regulations which are stipulated in UK law such as COSHH, the Sustainable Use Directive and Health & Safety at Work Act, as well as the ‘safe transport of hazardous goods’. Specific topics covered such as spillage procedures, safe storage, record keeping, and product handling also provides you with a skill set to become a safe and responsible storekeeper.

Courses involve both practical and classroom-based exercises. They are delivered by BASIS approved trainers throughout the UK with more details available on the BASIS website.
In response to feedback from our certificated storekeepers we now run annual NSK refresher courses. These short online courses focus on a different topic area each year, allowing you to keep up to date with current legislation and best practice. There is a multiple-choice assessment at the end of each course. After successfully completing this assessment you will receive a Certificate of Achievement to show your commitment to Continuing Professional Development.

Available courses include:
Nominated Storekeeper Course
Nominated Storekeeper Amenity
Nominated Storekeeper Refresher Course

For more information on all of the courses, please visit:

To find a course near you, please visit:
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