One year away today, how will Scotland vote?


Livestock Farmer
North Somerset.
My feeling is that the no vote will triumph, there will be enough doubt sown in the minds of the electorate about economic survival and debt to swing it. No doubt it will get nasty!
No impact on agriculture that I can see.
Had the rest of the UK been given the right to vote to see the Scots independent? Now that is a different story!


Livestock Farmer
The civil servants employed in Edinburgh to implement the parliamentary decisions aren't fit to run a bath, never mind a country.

Most would not be employable in the private sector.

The culture is to do as little as possible that might cause your head to appear above the parapet. The route to promotion is to show that someone else on an equal pay grade is incompetent. No overtime is worked. Everyone is on flexitime so the majority "attend" for their hours Mon-Thurs to garner themselves a three day weekend.

The die was cast when they couldn't control the cost of the parliamentary building imo. A forty million estimate ends up costing £380 million!!!!

I'd dearly love a yes vote because I reckon it's the only hope that secure tenant farmers might get the absolute right to buy. Perhaps I'm being to harsh about the civil servants. Are the Whitehall shower any better?


Livestock Farmer
The civil servants employed in Edinburgh to implement the parliamentary decisions aren't fit to run a bath, never mind a country.

Most would not be employable in the private sector.

The culture is to do as little as possible that might cause your head to appear above the parapet. The route to promotion is to show that someone else on an equal pay grade is incompetent. No overtime is worked. Everyone is on flexitime so the majority "attend" for their hours Mon-Thurs to garner themselves a three day weekend.

The die was cast when they couldn't control the cost of the parliamentary building imo. A forty million estimate ends up costing £380 million!!!!

I'd dearly love a yes vote because I reckon it's the only hope that secure tenant farmers might get the absolute right to buy. Perhaps I'm being to harsh about the civil servants. Are the Whitehall shower any better?
They were the training ground! They, the weather forecasters and the media believe London = England too


The civil servants employed in Edinburgh to implement the parliamentary decisions aren't fit to run a bath, never mind a country.

Most would not be employable in the private sector.

The culture is to do as little as possible that might cause your head to appear above the parapet. The route to promotion is to show that someone else on an equal pay grade is incompetent. No overtime is worked. Everyone is on flexitime so the majority "attend" for their hours Mon-Thurs to garner themselves a three day weekend.

The die was cast when they couldn't control the cost of the parliamentary building imo. A forty million estimate ends up costing £380 million!!!!

I'd dearly love a yes vote because I reckon it's the only hope that secure tenant farmers might get the absolute right to buy. Perhaps I'm being to harsh about the civil servants. Are the Whitehall shower any better?

I loved reading this acerbic (but, sadly, completely accurate) précis.

And the answer is 'no, they're not any better' - the rape of the public purse continues apace down here, too.

Scots independence? I'm genuinely surprised how much difference in views exists among the Scots; there is very little agitation for Welsh independence, perhaps because we know it's a stupid idea. The Scots might have felt the same way, 'cept for the oil resources in the North Sea? If so, does anyone know how that money will get divvied up if Scotland becomes independent? And how the oil companies will react if (as seem inevitable) that industry then gets taxed to death?

Farming the same - if Scotland becomes independent it's a sure bet that taxation on farmland will increase, including annual land rates and inheritance taxation. I'm surprised that the Scots land market isn't already pricing in this risk - or is it? I know it's one factor that'd influence Julie and me if we'd been looking to buy.

exmoor dave

exmoor, uk
Post independence would Scotland be looking at a eternity of socialist governments?

Seeing as the vote is going ahead now, then really it's up to the scots and what ever way the vote goes, that's got to be respected. I spose the bonus might be for us English hevens ;) that labour never see power again! (y)

Big Al

There was a debate and vote on newsnight last night. 62% of the audience in favour of independence. Not very scientific I admit, people bothering to attend a BBC debate on independence might be more likely to be nationalists to start with.

Rob Graham

Livestock Farmer
The civil servants employed in Edinburgh to implement the parliamentary decisions aren't fit to run a bath, never mind a country.
The die was cast when they couldn't control the cost of the parliamentary building imo. A forty million estimate ends up costing £380 million!!!!

Apologies if this may seem rude @DrDunc but while studying for my Final Year Construction Engineering Management Degree Holyrood was an enormously important case study for incompetencies and management failure and the timeline of events with subsequent cost increases due to no established budget, time delays and 'passing-the-buck' was somewhat staggering!! I hope to visit the bespoke building early 2014 and beautiful is the design and landscape its situated on....but it doesn't bode well for those who were involved in procuring what was to be a relatively simple structure!!


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Livestock Farmer
Central Scotland
Apologies if this may seem rude @DrDunc but while studying for my Final Year Construction Engineering Management Degree Holyrood was an enormously important case study for incompetencies and management failure and the timeline of events with subsequent cost increases due to no established budget, time delays and 'passing-the-buck' was somewhat staggering!! I hope to visit the bespoke building early 2014 and beautiful is the design and landscape its situated on....but it doesn't bode well for those who were involved in procuring what was to be a relatively simple structure!!

I know some folk that worked on it.The stories they tell are pretty galling.Squads of men doing nothing,and I mean nothing,for months,huge amounts of overtime being claimed when no one was there,stuff walking,all sorts of scams.Beautiful?I hope your tongue was firmly in your cheek,that building is as ugly on the outside as what goes on inside.You don't fancy doing a PhD citing the Tram system as showing how it should be done?

Y Fan Wen

N W Snowdonia
And how the oil companies will react if (as seem inevitable) that industry then gets taxed to death?
Is WP old enough to have lived through the Wilson government?
If my memory serves me right, his chancellor introduced a 100% tax on aggregate production in one budget.
There is a large area of sand and gravel near here, various parts of which are being worked.
Day after the budget, landlords were ringing the agg co's to tell them to stop digging and the supply dried up.
I have no doubt the oil industry will do the same.
Another budget I remember was when the forestry industry was targeted and the local forest nursery owner went out and sacked 12 out of 13 workforce the next day!
As Dad used to say, 'What a way to run a railroad!'


East Devon
i am not as well educated as some but i see other problems such as government departments from either side of the borders (welsh and scottish) such as dvla and passport offices having to be uprooted or moved to their respective countries , i cant see too many english people being too pleased having to go to a different country altogether to get their official documents and vice versa


I have to say i was jealous when i saw what was going on with devolution, ministers who were more down to earth, had more experience and would fight for there country much like a trade union would its members....but it didn't really materialize. The Welsh wont cull badgers and talk about farming like they are going to sell the farmers down the river... it'll be no different with Scotland when they get independence (probably) It does make you feel that the 'ineffectual career politicians' we have at the moment have the benefit of not being dangerous.


Interesting commentary in todays' (18th) DT suggesting that Scotland's problems are emblematic of those facing nearly all Western democracies (pensions, health care, taxation, monetary policy, etc etc) and that very few, if any, realistic assessments are being provided by the proponents of independence.


North Wilts
Scotland, vote YES, please, I beg of you! We swap a declining revenue source (North Sea oil and gas) for an ever rising block grant to the devolved Parliament. Within a decade or so it'll be the bargain of the century. Plus we get rid of c. 4 million rabid socialists who have a nasty habit of getting over the Wall and coming down here and imposing their nasty ideology on the rest of us.

England votes YES!

PS I wouldn't want to be a farmer in the new Scotland - you'll be taxed and regulated to death, if they don't nationalise the lot first.
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south uist
Mine would be a no vote. Alex Salmond just wants his mug up in lights. When asked any serious questions he just blames the English Gov. He has frozen council tax for x amount of years thats a real vote winner then people wonder why the councils do less and less when council tax has been frozen. If we get independence it will rocket. Free bus pass for pensioners that is fine for them getting around the local area but its nation wide they can get a free bus from one end of Scotland to the next. It should be out with peak hours and within a certain area so pensioners can get around the shops and things easily but nation wide. a next door neighbour of my brother who is a fit pensioner has been all over Scotland for free. Like I say if we get independence the tax will rocket and we will be held to ransom by the EU to join them. Then what currency one controlled by england or one controlled by the EU. To much uncertainty to go it alone. Very much see myself as Scottish first and British second but I am british and believe we are better together. Free prescriptions I work and earn a decent wage I should pay if it is a one off if your on long term medication then you could apply to have it free.
Mine would be a no vote. Alex Salmond just wants his mug up in lights. When asked any serious questions he just blames the English Gov. He has frozen council tax for x amount of years thats a real vote winner then people wonder why the councils do less and less when council tax has been frozen. If we get independence it will rocket. Free bus pass for pensioners that is fine for them getting around the local area but its nation wide they can get a free bus from one end of Scotland to the next. It should be out with peak hours and within a certain area so pensioners can get around the shops and things easily but nation wide. a next door neighbour of my brother who is a fit pensioner has been all over Scotland for free. Like I say if we get independence the tax will rocket and we will be held to ransom by the EU to join them. Then what currency one controlled by england or one controlled by the EU. To much uncertainty to go it alone. Very much see myself as Scottish first and British second but I am british and believe we are better together. Free prescriptions I work and earn a decent wage I should pay if it is a one off if your on long term medication then you could apply to have it free.

What's wrong with you? Do you not wish your nation to control their own destiny, for better or worse?

Are you a man, or a mouse.

Rabbie Burns is renowned for the following poem to a mouse.

Wee, sleekit, cow'rin, tim'rous beastie,
O, what a panic's in thy breastie!
Thou need na start awa sae hasty
Wi bickering brattle!
I wad be laith to rin an' chase thee,
Wi' murdering pattle.

I'm truly sorry man's dominion
Has broken Nature's social union,
An' justifies that ill opinion
Which makes thee startle
At me, thy poor, earth born companion
An' fellow mortal!

Still thou are blest, compared wi' me!
The present only toucheth thee:
But och! I backward cast my e'e,
On prospects drear!
An' forward, tho' I canna see,
I guess an' fear!

Written in 1785, it is equally valid today.

Haven't you got any balls?
Err, i think he may be worried about the 'for worse..' bit - wouldn't he be right to worry?

To continue in the Poetic vein, I believe it was Tennyson that said " Better to have loved and lost, rather than never loved at all.".

Albert Einstein said something along the lines, "that you cannot fail, until you stop trying".

Farmers are continually trying, and if you extrapolate a farm, is it any different than a State?

Personally I do not Trust the English Parliament not to take us out of the EU.

Scotland and for that matter Wales, would in my opinion be better off as independent states within the EU, than having to rely on the Good Will of an English Tory dominated Government. Labour is no better.

If Scotland leaves the Union, then we will have a Tory Government at Westminster for the foreseeable future.

Not something I look forward to, and guaranteed to lead to conflict in future.

SFI - What % were you taking out of production?

  • 0 %

    Votes: 120 38.8%
  • Up to 25%

    Votes: 118 38.2%
  • 25-50%

    Votes: 42 13.6%
  • 50-75%

    Votes: 6 1.9%
  • 75-100%

    Votes: 5 1.6%
  • 100% I’ve had enough of farming!

    Votes: 18 5.8%

Expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive offer for farmers published

  • 257
  • 1
Expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive offer from July will give the sector a clear path forward and boost farm business resilience.

From: Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs and The Rt Hon Sir Mark Spencer MP Published21 May 2024


Full details of the expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) offer available to farmers from July have been published by the...