One year away today, how will Scotland vote?


North Wilts
I'd be interested to see, out of the last hundred years, how many of them Scotland were net contributors to the UK economy. I'd suggest if we cost as much to the UK some make out, we would of been independent a long time ago.

I would hazard a guess that the Scottish economy was a net contributor to the UK Exchequer for the main oil years only, from about 1975 to 1990. Since 1990 spending per head in Scotland has exceeded tax revenue per head for all years bar a couple of years around the turn of the millennium, whereas in the 80s tax revenue was well above spending, due to Oil revenue no doubt. On the basis that Scotland now is still a (just) net taker, one can assume that in years before oil revenue came along (ie the 3 centuries since the act of Union) when Scotland was considerably poorer than it is today, that it made no net contribution for all those years either.


I worry that we haven't any answers to any questions so we will be going to vote blind. Salmond says it'll all be ok and of course it will all be good but where's the money coming from for all the layabouts, what health provision will there be because we won't be part of the NATIONAL health service, roads are already bad, where will money come from to fix them or build new ones. I could go on ( and on). Oil money can only go so far. None of these questions get answered, salmond is to busy cribbing at Cameron to tell us.


Livestock Farmer
Central Scotland
Right, unless I have this all totally wrong the current snp government have organised a referendum on whether scotland should be an independent country or not.

At no point have I seen that by voting yes you automatically get salmond in charge or some nutter from the great unwashed of the central belt soap dodging labour lovers.

It is a question on do we want to be independent yes or no.

If we do vote yes, want happens, no idea. It would take years and years to decide anything

Who else would you get?You will get Labour or SNP busy giving away what they haven't got and taxing the blood out of business to buy votes.The Con. and Lib. voters would be a permanent minority,so a never ending series of cock ups and never a chance for Tories to come in and sort it out as happens now,kind of .........The thought of spending the rest of my life listening to a bunch of Holyrood heroes wingeing about how the English "forced" Independence on us and didn't give us a decent deal,spent all the oil money before we got our hands on it,and now the barstewards won't bail us out, etc etc,when it all goes pear shaped is enough to make me vote no.New Zealand sounds nice.


Who else would you get?You will get Labour or SNP busy giving away what they haven't got and taxing the blood out of business to buy votes.The Con. and Lib. voters would be a permanent minority,so a never ending series of cock ups and never a chance for Tories to come in and sort it out as happens now,kind of .........The thought of spending the rest of my life listening to a bunch of Holyrood heroes wingeing about how the English "forced" Independence on us and didn't give us a decent deal,spent all the oil money before we got our hands on it,and now the barstewards won't bail us out, etc etc,when it all goes pear shaped is enough to make me vote no.New Zealand sounds nice.
So does canada,that's why the decision was made at the weekend to start seriously looking.
Scotland/uk whichever way it goes is up to its neck in shite and only getting deeper each day. Workshy masses, overcrowding, you name it we have it and far too much off it.


So does canada,that's why the decision was made at the weekend to start seriously looking.
Scotland/uk whichever way it goes is up to its neck in shite and only getting deeper each day. Workshy masses, overcrowding, you name it we have it and far too much off it.
Although I'd like to make some smart-arse comment about how the UK remains one of the best places in the World to live (I had a long and interesting chat with a Nigerian immigrant working in Carmarthen branch of Curry's recently, and he confirmed this) it is difficult to avoid the feeling that things are, shortly, going to take a turn for the worse.

It's evident that you've got skills, a nice family, and a valuable place; if everyone is for it, then I for one would be envious and wish you every success.

But you're a Scot, right? So that's Canada, then...

roscoe erf

Livestock Farmer
If Scotland gains its independence after the forthcoming referendum, the remainder of the United Kingdom will be known as the Former United Kingdom (F.U.K.).

In a bid to discourage the Scots from voting 'Yes' in the referendum, Lib.Dems have now begun a campaign with the slogan:
"Please Vote 'No' For FUK's Sake!"
They feel the Scottish people can relate to this, particularly those of Glaswegian origin!!

SFI - What % were you taking out of production?

  • 0 %

    Votes: 120 38.8%
  • Up to 25%

    Votes: 118 38.2%
  • 25-50%

    Votes: 42 13.6%
  • 50-75%

    Votes: 6 1.9%
  • 75-100%

    Votes: 5 1.6%
  • 100% I’ve had enough of farming!

    Votes: 18 5.8%

Expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive offer for farmers published

  • 257
  • 1
Expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive offer from July will give the sector a clear path forward and boost farm business resilience.

From: Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs and The Rt Hon Sir Mark Spencer MP Published21 May 2024


Full details of the expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) offer available to farmers from July have been published by the...