These courses cover a wide range of topics including all aspects of agronomy and crop production, with a focus on IPM. They have been designed for agronomists, advisers, technical staff and other roles which involve the advice and supply of plant protection products. They are also extremely beneficial for managers of arable farms who are directly involved with agronomic decision making.

There are several versions of the Certificate in Crop Protection. This allows the course to be tailored to suit the sector(s) which the candidate works in.

The Agriculture, Field Vegetables and Commercial Horticulture courses are ‘full’ Certificates in Crop Protection. Holders of these certificates do not need further certification to cover activities in other crops. Other courses only qualify candidates to advise in a specific area and not in general agriculture/horticulture.

Courses are offered by BASIS approved trainers throughout the UK. Training is generally a mixture of classroom and practical sessions spread throughout the calendar year so a range of crops can be seen at different stages. Successful candidates receive a Certificate in Crop Protection and can apply to be on the BASIS Professional Register.

The available courses and certificates are as follows:
BASIS Certificate in Crop Protection (Agriculture)
BASIS Certificate in Crop Protection (Field Vegetables)
BASIS Certificate in Crop Protection (Commercial Horticulture)
BASIS Certificate in Crop Protection (Grassland and Forage Crops)
BASIS Certificate in Crop Protection (Floriculture)
BASIS Certificate in Crop Protection (Seed Sellers)
BASIS Certificate in Crop Protection (Mushrooms)
BASIS Certificate in Crop Protection (Stored Potatoes)

For more information on all of the courses, please visit:

For the BASIS Certificate in Crop Protection syllabus, please visit:

To find a course near you, please visit:
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