bale weights

I've had a complaint about some square baling I have done. They are 7ft 120x70 bales of hay and they are apparently so soft they couldn't pick them up and wouldn't stack without falling over. It was super dry 2nd cut and about 40 acres, which came to 59 bales. I have been to look at them and they were hard when I kick them and i couldn't push my thumb into the top of the bale. So I asked him to weight some. The two he weight were 410 & 430 kgs. Are they that light to warrant a discount that he wants me to apply. I am a square baler novice and the balers a bb950


Mixed Farmer
I've had a complaint about some square baling I have done. They are 7ft 120x70 bales of hay and they are apparently so soft they couldn't pick them up and wouldn't stack without falling over. It was super dry 2nd cut and about 40 acres, which came to 59 bales. I have been to look at them and they were hard when I kick them and i couldn't push my thumb into the top of the bale. So I asked him to weight some. The two he weight were 410 & 430 kgs. Are they that light to warrant a discount that he wants me to apply. I am a square baler novice and the balers a bb950

I would of thought they are fine. It sounds more like he is the big bale novice!


Livestock Farmer
He's spikes aren't long enough most likely.... but if it's second cut hay I'd imagine youv made the weight but struggled to get a consistently full chamber as it will have been short snotty stuff... what size bale?
I've had a complaint about some square baling I have done. They are 7ft 120x70 bales of hay and they are apparently so soft they couldn't pick them up and wouldn't stack without falling over. It was super dry 2nd cut and about 40 acres, which came to 59 bales. I have been to look at them and they were hard when I kick them and i couldn't push my thumb into the top of the bale. So I asked him to weight some. The two he weight were 410 & 430 kgs. Are they that light to warrant a discount that he wants me to apply. I am a square baler novice and the balers a bb950


Mixed Farmer
To heavy for hay the correct weight should have been 320 kg and no more than 350kg

Perhaps the op should suggest the man pays more for the baling?(y)

Most likely short, lawn clipping type stuff, especially given the yield. No bales are going to be easy to handle with that stuff. I did a bunch of rounds of similar stuff. Rocket fuel hay but it's not the type of stuff I'd want to stack on end and stand under it.


North Wilts
Perhaps the op should suggest the man pays more for the baling?(y)

Most likely short, lawn clipping type stuff, especially given the yield. No bales are going to be easy to handle with that stuff. I did a bunch of rounds of similar stuff. Rocket fuel hay but it's not the type of stuff I'd want to stack on end and stand under it.

Spot on. Short second cut grass always makes soft squidgy hay bales, however much pressure you put in the chamber, its entirely down to the nature of the material, nothing to do with the weight of the bales.

The OP should show the customer this thread and tell him to stop being a tight arse g*t and pay up.


New Zealand
Twin spike
Years ago when we had a Claas Quadrant 1200 we had a few people struggling to pick up our bales with forks that only had two short prongs of about 70 cm.
Fine for 80 cm x 90 cm bales but there is a lot of unsupported overhanging bale when they are 120 cm wide.
Short, fine grass and two prongs will tear the middle out.
The thing is I don't want to lose the any work over it. Their straw baling was close to a 1000 bales last year, plus other work I do there. By the opinion on here it sounds like its just the type of material in the bale, not the bales themselves.


Mixed Farmer
Explain everything people have said on here and then could you offer to lend him something better to load them with just to get them carted.It shows that you aren't walking away from the problem. Sounds like you have done some good bales so not your fault. He should not be asking for a discount imo

Sussex Martin

Burham Kent
The thing is I don't want to lose the any work over it. Their straw baling was close to a 1000 bales last year, plus other work I do there. By the opinion on here it sounds like its just the type of material in the bale, not the bales themselves.
You won't lose his work if you give him a discount every time you do a job for him, he'll be laughing and you'll be working for nothing.
You should explain why he's having issues and stand your ground :).
The thing is I don't want to lose the any work over it. Their straw baling was close to a 1000 bales last year, plus other work I do there. By the opinion on here it sounds like its just the type of material in the bale, not the bales themselves.
Bloke sounds like a pansy better off not working for those sort of people!


Puts a slightly different perspective on it. You could knock him 10p per bale off as a goodwill gesture, it would add up to next to nothing but his ego will be satisfied. Just add 10per bale onto the straw baling bill. It probably won't be noticed.

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