First sheepdog


If the money is right & it fits what you need then it may end up being a cracker.
A young pup will be building a full bond, trust you from the beginning & be part of the family.
Both would need work, just different levels of time & input, it all depends what you want to achieve.


Mixed Farmer
Been offered a 2 year old part trained dog. It must be harder to bond with an older dog? Always thought a pup would be the way to go, especially since we have other dogs and kids

Not at all. My oldest dog, now cancer ridden😢, was bought as a part trained two year old, having been sent back from 2 ‘trials’ (by feckwits). I had her on a month’s trial and she just clicked in on around day 29. Since then, she has been a serious asset and the best dog I have ever had, or ever likely to have.
She has been eminently trainable, absolutely ‘got me’, and like my right hand. I’ve shed a tear over every dog I’ve buried, but I suspect she’ll have me in a proper mess.

Go and see her. If you like each other then go for it. There’s absolutely no reason she shouldn’t be as good as any pup, plenty of which won’t ever get to the ‘part trained’ stage.
Been offered a 2 year old part trained dog. It must be harder to bond with an older dog? Always thought a pup would be the way to go, especially since we have other dogs and kids
I got a 4 year old bitch, just before Xmas, and she is amazing, as if she's been hear all her life. So 2 years would be alright,


Mixed Farmer
Got my first working dog when she was 9 - she came here to retire really but still fit enough to do what we need. She was timid and shy to start with but we've bonded really well and she works great for me now - she's taught me a lot more than I've taught her thats for sure! Just had her 11th birthday and still going strong, but don't know how to replace her...


Livestock Farmer
Been offered a 2 year old part trained dog. It must be harder to bond with an older dog? Always thought a pup would be the way to go, especially since we have other dogs and kids
Sometimes it is easier to bond with an older dog, the "fallouts" (particularly if the dog is a bit of a sulker by nature) during training have been with another person, so when they come to you, a fresh voice, they often do as they are told straight away, and are happy to do it, and often happier as you've got a fresh start with him/her.

Wood field

Livestock Farmer
I’ve been through the mill with collies, had a pup and he was keen as mustard, sent him for schooling and he came back not knowing anything!
Took 18 months of heartache to get him right
Got a dog from a neighbour via skipton auction, another 12 month battle to get him right ( later learned he had been battered , so no crook or shouting)
He’s a lovely dog just 6 this June , fantastic dog for lambing and will hold a ewe , but when the pressure is on I.e he senses I am stressing, he will fek off thinking he’s in for a slap! Shows how easy it is to ruin a bloody good dog .
Got a bitch from a friend who is a very good trials man and she is fantastic, but can’t catch a sheep like “ Dave the dog “
Whatever you get , learn to count to ten or walk away when things start to go wrong


Livestock Farmer
sw scotland
Trained 2 from a pup. Both in the house to bond and get trained - sit or lie when told, not grab food, house-trained and get used to a vehicle. That enabled lots of 5 minute sessions when the pup could maintain concentration.
First was chasing sheep at 4 months, current one(now12 years old) nearer 6 months. Main goal was to make it obey commands as I had seen dogs which just wouldn't stop. Taught right and left by throwing a stick until could anticipate which way to go.
Neither would go round a field to gather but working alongside a quad it didn't matter.


Livestock Farmer
What a character 🤩 best of luck to you all!

My last piece of advice I suppose is to help her to make good decisions and trust her own judgment. You'll be amazed at her decision making ability. Mine is two and a half now. We go in the field, she looks at me to see which job we're doing. I send her and then stand and wait - silently. She does the rest. When she was younger she would occasionally stop and look at me for encouragement to see that she was doing the right thing. So a small "away, good girl" or "come by good girl" to reinforce what she thought she should do was all it took. Now she is bombproof even on strange ground. They are truly incredible creatures.


What a character 🤩 best of luck to you all!

My last piece of advice I suppose is to help her to make good decisions and trust her own judgment. You'll be amazed at her decision making ability. Mine is two and a half now. We go in the field, she looks at me to see which job we're doing. I send her and then stand and wait - silently. She does the rest. When she was younger she would occasionally stop and look at me for encouragement to see that she was doing the right thing. So a small "away, good girl" or "come by good girl" to reinforce what she thought she should do was all it took. Now she is bombproof even on strange ground. They are truly incredible creatures.
She is a he! 😂 tried a few litters and the bitches were always spoken for. Then we went to see this litter and thought he was great. Has a lovely nature and loves the kids.
Took him to see the kids pet sheep yesterday on the lead, just to let him see them and he was desperate to get off the to them


Have him returning to me ok for now while out for a walk, I take him out with my Labrador who returns to me straight away so is learning a bit from him. But if he sees sheep in a field there is no chance of him coming back to me. I know I can’t tell him off for looking at sheep but it is frustrating when I have to go try and catch him.

What should I be doing to get him to come back to me?
should I be keeping him on the lead?


Livestock Farmer
Have him returning to me ok for now while out for a walk, I take him out with my Labrador who returns to me straight away so is learning a bit from him. But if he sees sheep in a field there is no chance of him coming back to me. I know I can’t tell him off for looking at sheep but it is frustrating when I have to go try and catch him.

What should I be doing to get him to come back to me?
should I be keeping him on the lead?
Get him coming back to you really well (first time, every time) away from sheep and then use a long line when taken to sheep. Parachute cord is good as light but strong. Use same commands as when not with sheep, so dog is used to them

Hill Ground

Livestock Farmer
Don't walk forward until you have a slack lead.

When you start expect the first walk to be about 50metres in 30 mins!

Next time should be better, it won't take long for them to learn!

SFI - What % were you taking out of production?

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    Votes: 120 38.7%
  • Up to 25%

    Votes: 118 38.1%
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    Votes: 42 13.5%
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    Votes: 6 1.9%
  • 75-100%

    Votes: 5 1.6%
  • 100% I’ve had enough of farming!

    Votes: 19 6.1%

Expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive offer for farmers published

  • 267
  • 1
Expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive offer from July will give the sector a clear path forward and boost farm business resilience.

From: Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs and The Rt Hon Sir Mark Spencer MP Published21 May 2024


Full details of the expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) offer available to farmers from July have been published by the...