New limits to SFI.

Green oak

Arable Farmer
Those people who think they are safe with their big payments for not farming might still have a nasty surprise, lets wait and see, I have wrongly also got to comment about the people on here who have been telling us how good a farmer they are , with upto date systems are now pleased they were the first at the trough for non farming pay outs!!
I’ve been to many meetings by various companies and I’ve asked the same question each time. Can I put the whole farm in this scheme and all of them said yes. Big land agents saying farming for a changing system seminars. Environmental goods for public money. Soil health. More farmland birds. 3 years with pesticides not entering in the water course. Urea not entering the atmosphere. What the hell are we meant to Do. anyway Tesco have brought a farm down the road. All going into trees. Good land too.


I’ve been to many meetings by various companies and I’ve asked the same question each time. Can I put the whole farm in this scheme and all of them said yes. Big land agents saying farming for a changing system seminars. Environmental goods for public money. Soil health. More farmland birds. 3 years with pesticides not entering in the water course. Urea not entering the atmosphere. What the hell are we meant to Do. anyway Tesco have brought a farm down the road. All going into trees. Good land too.
They ain't got a scooby and just doing policy on the hoof , what a bunch of fekin cowboys 🤷
The truth of the matter is while bps is readily criticised on here almost all of the people I know who claimed it farmed in a very similar way to how they did when the headage payments were on.
Sfi restricts production to those who are currently producing and want to produce and gives those who don’t really want to farm the option to hang their coat up. Those same people didn’t get enough of a payment off bps to do that so it effectively kept them in production.

Green oak

Arable Farmer
They ain't got a scooby and just doing policy on the hoof , what a bunch of fekin cowboys 🤷
Something might come out of this. Either food production or environmental measures. There’s no half way house. All these land investors can inploy staff I can’t.


What do you do for a living?
How don’t you know what it is ?
Farming and other stuff farming related... I don't know, maybe I don't do all the "this, that and the other" I am supposed to but if I combined all the time I spend prepping for farm assurance, filling movement book, medicine book, movement forms, grain passports etc its like a day or 2 a year but its mostly done in my "dead time" often of an evening its more productive than watching coronation street. I would like a bonfire of red tape as much as the next man but I doubt I would be financially any better for it. Some things improved. The old IACs paperwork took forever but in recent years BPS claim could be done before my morning coffee got cold.
Farming and other stuff farming related... I don't know, maybe I don't do all the "this, that and the other" I am supposed to but if I combined all the time I spend prepping for farm assurance, filling movement book, medicine book, movement forms, grain passports etc its like a day or 2 a year but its mostly done in my "dead time" often of an evening its more productive than watching coronation street. I would like a bonfire of red tape as much as the next man but I doubt I would be financially any better for it. Some things improved. The old IACs paperwork took forever but in recent years BPS claim could be done before my morning coffee got cold.
Have you really thought this out what you are saying? Or have you not much going on?
The truth of the matter is while bps is readily criticised on here almost all of the people I know who claimed it farmed in a very similar way to how they did when the headage payments were on.
Sfi restricts production to those who are currently producing and want to produce and gives those who don’t really want to farm the option to hang their coat up. Those same people didn’t get enough of a payment off bps to do that so it effectively kept them in production.
All it does is tie more land up with old ens slipper farming letting places go and stops some youth getting in. Then folk wonder why young folk go get a good job somewhere. Pisses me off no end tbh.

Green oak

Arable Farmer
Question .
What qualifies as being recognised as a 'farmer'?
The definition on google describes someone who cultivates
the land or raises animals.
The landowner that has retired or the investor that has a once a month conversation with the contractor doing the work. Should sell some grain this month. And our we both happy about the marginal profit we both can make.
Maybe I just keep it simple, or maybe sleep deprived 🤷‍♂️
Someone gave the example of tb testing
We have just come off three years of tb testing every 6 months that’s 12 days a year for 2 people just doing that then there’s all the pre movement testing in between that so roughly you could say that’s one month a year gone for one member of staff so in the last 3 years there’s been 3 months gone tb testing


Perhaps the definition of 'farmer' will be reviewed by a change of government
and these schemes will be the catalyst.
I'd imagine a labour government looking to raise more tax revenue could easily look
closely at IHT and who should qualify.


1000ha applicant with 1000ha of AHL2 may be kicking themselves in 18 months time, when they could of had a shed full of milling wheat, watching prices rise.

The 1000ha applicant who could only put 250ha into Ahl2 maybe thanking there lucky stars in 18 months time when they've got a 3/4 full shed of milling wheat, watching prices rise.

Could well be. Nobody knows what the future holds.

But at least the first applicant would have had the freedom to make his own choices. To me that also holds a significant value.


Perhaps the definition of 'farmer' will be reviewed by a change of government
and these schemes will be the catalyst.
I'd imagine a labour government looking to raise more tax revenue could easily look
closely at IHT and who should qualify.

Until yesterday UK governments have been the ones wanting to change the definition of "farmer" from "food producer" as most farmers would know it, to "park keeper".

Now they seem to want them to be "park keepers who produce food below the cost of production".

SFI - What % were you taking out of production?

  • 0 %

    Votes: 120 38.8%
  • Up to 25%

    Votes: 118 38.2%
  • 25-50%

    Votes: 42 13.6%
  • 50-75%

    Votes: 6 1.9%
  • 75-100%

    Votes: 5 1.6%
  • 100% I’ve had enough of farming!

    Votes: 18 5.8%

Expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive offer for farmers published

  • 263
  • 1
Expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive offer from July will give the sector a clear path forward and boost farm business resilience.

From: Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs and The Rt Hon Sir Mark Spencer MP Published21 May 2024


Full details of the expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) offer available to farmers from July have been published by the...