The urge to grow

Derrick Hughes

The desire to achieve is built inide you ,no getting away from it ,simple fact is some have more than others , why does someone want to Climb Everest when he could sit at home and watch tv ,he is wired in a certain way ,
i know guys who have hardly done a days work in their lives ,
Its the overwelming desire to achieve something , that drives some
Like me yesterday 2 years of 70 and 12th over the line out of a1500 competing bike ride yesterday , but its not a race , so why then is looking at their time the first thing they do at the finnish

som farmer

Livestock Farmer
Over here, the high land prices and interest rates mean that subsidy doesn't even cover the interest. And now we don't even have the BPS!
with SAM3, paying £150/ac, that's more than any rents l pay, which top at £100.

l could sub let a lot of land, at £200+ to a digestor, offers on the table, could possibly get more than that, from big dairy farmers.

l rented 50 acres, for 15 years, where the rent was substantially less than the SFP, and its previous schemes, that was nice.


Livestock Farmer
with SAM3, paying £150/ac, that's more than any rents l pay, which top at £100.

l could sub let a lot of land, at £200+ to a digestor, offers on the table, could possibly get more than that, from big dairy farmers.

l rented 50 acres, for 15 years, where the rent was substantially less than the SFP, and its previous schemes, that was nice.
Yes, renting land is a different (and generally more viable) proposition.

Only problem is that the average FBT length in the UK is 2 years.
we forget in the uk/europe how small farms actually are, i was listening to a canadian farmer on podcast he cant fathom how families can make a living from such small blocks of land and said subsidies must be the only reason its possible, which he didnt get


Staff Member
Arable Farmer
with SAM3, paying £150/ac, that's more than any rents l pay, which top at £100.

l could sub let a lot of land, at £200+ to a digestor, offers on the table, could possibly get more than that, from big dairy farmers.

l rented 50 acres, for 15 years, where the rent was substantially less than the SFP, and its previous schemes, that was nice.

where do you find these naive landlords ?

som farmer

Livestock Farmer
where do you find these naive landlords ?
word of mouth
no land agents
and 'old' money, where they want the land looked after, by a local farmer
we have farmed as a family, locally for 500 yrs.
and we are polite

though the 50 acres was through l/agents managing an estate, not very good land though, l tendered, and got it.


Mixed Farmer
North West
Not quite.

It's just that you hear (farming press, gossip) about the ones that have "got on".

The average size of a milking herd in UK is about 150, less than UD/NZ/AU but double that of France.

I agree that there are people that prioritise growth over profit/lifestyle.

Don't agree with that at all. When my parents moved here they had it much harder with 120 cows than I do now with 450 cows. They had to work all the time and by themselves most of this time. Now I can do by and large I can do what I want when I want. Scale has brought us freedom. Something comes up at short notice I can go and not have to worry about getting back to milk or having to feed anything.

Before someone pipes up. Rent the farm, no overdraft only debt is 0% finance deal on a merlo.


Mixed Farmer
North West
word of mouth
no land agents
and 'old' money, where they want the land looked after, by a local farmer
we have farmed as a family, locally for 500 yrs.
and we are polite

though the 50 acres was through l/agents managing an estate, not very good land though, l tendered, and got it.

We are getting approached by more people wanting us to rent their ground as they aren't happy with other farmers trashing it with potatoes and maize. Sensible money as well sub £175 for good arable/silage ground.


70 is not old and 60 certainly is not, either.

Even in old age you need a schedule and a reason to get out of bed.

If you don't use your brain and skeleton daily- it'll decline a lot faster
For me it is more about survival. For a business to survive and progress it needs to be able to stand on its own two feet. If your business won’t do that it’s less likely to progress. As you put in more effort and time then it’s less desirable to do so in something that’s stood still or in reverse compared to using your efforts in something that’s growing.
And yet you say you are often up at 3am and not having your tea until 10pm at night . That’s no way to live is it?
Sounds more like slavery to me and your health will suffer long term .


Staff Member
Arable Farmer
Old style tenancys on average land?
Normally was based on the potential yield.
Never understood tenants boasting pub yields...

old rent act tenancies i guess land owner can do nothing about but when way more than £100/ ac is available for cs / sfi i can’t imaging many fbts being set at much less

SFI - What % were you taking out of production?

  • 0 %

    Votes: 120 38.7%
  • Up to 25%

    Votes: 118 38.1%
  • 25-50%

    Votes: 42 13.5%
  • 50-75%

    Votes: 6 1.9%
  • 75-100%

    Votes: 5 1.6%
  • 100% I’ve had enough of farming!

    Votes: 19 6.1%

Expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive offer for farmers published

  • 264
  • 1
Expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive offer from July will give the sector a clear path forward and boost farm business resilience.

From: Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs and The Rt Hon Sir Mark Spencer MP Published21 May 2024


Full details of the expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) offer available to farmers from July have been published by the...