
  1. CPM RSS

    Forward-thinking farmers: Generating better variety intelligence

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF Large-scale on-farm testing of oilseed rape varieties is providing the best possible crop resilience intelligence for growers across the country. CPM reports on the programme behind the trials. By Rob Jones With oilseed rape in...
  2. CPM RSS

    Clubroot: Mitigating migrations

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF With wet weather and flooding commonplace during the past few months, clubroot zoospores are at high risk of migration. CPM looks at the importance of crop husbandry and on-farm hygiene in preventing the spread of the disease and how this...
  3. CPM RSS

    Clubroot: Mitigating migrations

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF With wet weather and flooding commonplace during the past few months, clubroot zoospores are at high risk of migration. CPM looks at the importance of crop husbandry and on-farm hygiene in preventing the spread of the disease and how this...
  4. CPM RSS

    Potato agronomy: Weeding out concerns

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF A tricky start to planting plus the potential of growers managing unfamiliar varieties due to short seed supplies means weed control could require some careful planning. CPM explores herbicide timings and programme choices for the season...
  5. Matt77

    Spring bean's....

    How late have people gone, and still got a successful crop, obviously so many variables but interested in experiences drilled into terminated cover crop too.
  6. redsloe

    Volunteer OSR in a herbal ley

    Putting some MOP on a couple herbal leys this afternoon and there's quite a few volunteers mainly behind the combine. It's two years ago that it was in OSR. What to do about it? Top them as they are coming up to flower? Would rolling put them quiet? I want to mow the fields for silage ideally.
  7. Corteva Technical

    Arable farmers need to rethink herbicide strategies following 2024’s wet start

    Arable farmers need to rethink herbicide strategies following 2024’s wet start With some fields still under water following widespread flooding in January, farmers will need a robust herbicide plan in place as they battle to catch up this spring. A wet autumn delayed drilling of many winter...
  8. CPM RSS

    Emerger approved for use in pulses

    Written by janineadamson from CPM Magazine A pre-emergence residual herbicide for broadleaf weed control can now be applied in field beans and combining peas. The authorisation for Emerger (aclonifen) will be a welcomed addition given the low number of pre-em herbicides currently available for...
  9. O

    Spring beans.

    Looking at spring beans as a break option for some failed OSR this coming spring. Has anyone experience growing? Heavy land. Understand a fairly low input break crop and have a market for them local. Toying between that and a kings soil structure mix saw good results five years ago the...
  10. hally

    Plant id

    Anybody know what this is? Tia.
  11. C

    Charlock control in OSR

    Got a block of OSR that unfortunately has charlock in it which came in the seed:(. I’ve got some Fox to put on to take it out which I was planning on putting on tomorrow as due to be. -4 tonight, then -3 tomorrow night. Just wondering though how cold it needs to get down to for frosts to kill it...
  12. solo

    Will fodder radish set viable seed now?

    This is Iris fodder radish from @Great In Grass which has grown well. This is the most advanced plant, with most still flowering. Will it set viable seed now? These pods have immature seeds at the moment.
  13. Wigeon

    Glyphosate in with pre-ems?

    It's chuffing windy I want to go drilling. I have some big weeds (groundsel, thistles) but not many grassweeds in the seedbeds yet. From memory you're only allowed 1.5lts of 360 post drilling. Is gly with pre-ems a waste of time? Thanks!
  14. L

    The humble year of an organic farmer

    Under request from @Bokey I have decided to dedicate a thread to the trials and tribulations on the farm, I shall endeavour to splice the good with the bad. A bit about us, 600 acres all told, 450 cropable, 8 years into organic, mainly arable with a few wooly critters, an impatient old man and...
  15. M

    Wheat pre em

    Morning Presumably most are still planning on planting wheat in the next month or so. With current prices and profitability what’s everyone’s thoughts on pre em choices and rates ? cheers
  16. Laggard

    Winter Beans

    Never grown them before, recovering OSR grower. Which is a good winter variety and what seed rate if ploughing or Claydon drilled please? Any other advice welcome.
  17. W

    Clearfield OSR

    Hi. Is anyone planning to grow a Clearfield variety of OSR this autumn?
  18. TFF

    The Regen Ag toolkit supporting sustainable farming practices

    In today's agricultural landscape, there is a growing need for sustainable practices to produce increased crop yields whilst minimising the impact to the environment. Farmers play a key role in addressing these challenges and face various pressures, such as reduced availability to chemicals for...
  19. D

    OSR - Leave it to ripen naturally?

    Normally I nuke it with glypho. But some old neighbours always use to leave it to ripen naturally. This year, as ever, timing of the glypho looks tricky. Some is green, some is dead and will smash out under the sprayer belly. It hadn’t ripened progressively up the plant. Sims have died off...
  20. CPF

    Zurn Top Cut collect

    Thinking about one. Has anyone had experience with and any results from previous use.