One year away today, how will Scotland vote?


Problem I see is currency.....not looking like a good time to join the euro (unless you believe the lib dem speeches at their conference) &the pound will be controlled in London for the benefit of what's left of the UK (unless you believe what Salmond says about having a big say in the pound).

As I said earlier, what ever the decision, it should be respected. But we're already a small country/union but at least have some power in Europe. If Scotland sets the precedent for the break up of the UK, we'll just end up with zero power anywhere! :(
the idiots want to retain the pound 5 years ago it was the euro till the shyte hit the if its the pound it is the bank of England who will control the financial destiny of Scotland not the snp they will have less control than now:LOL:


Livestock Farmer
If tenants got absolute right to buy would they pay the market price as it is a forced sale? Or would they still expect 50% of value!
It would most likely be market price minus a portion of rent paid and tenants improvements.

On my farm improvements include every steading building (housing for 100 cows plus followers, straw, hay etc); the farmhouse roof, windows, wiring, and heating; the sheep fank; drainage of near 100 acres; every single metre of fencing (it's 1600 acre, 1200 of which is hill); etc etc.

There is much evidence throughout Europe that absolute right to buy for secure inheritable tenants has actually increased the land available for rent, and has increased the new entrants. This is something the aging farming population desperately needs. I could greatly expand on the merits of absolute right to buy, but I'll leave it for a relevant thread some day.

Much as I'd jump cartwheels at the opportunity, I seriously doubt if the Scottish politicians will have the balls.


Good reply,but it looked like you needed some help!
no it went over your head,if we leave the UK we are automatically out of the EU so the sfp is gone same with NATO.the snp say we can rejoin but they say that not anyone else and even then it will take years,then why would the EU want us they are pished off bank rolling shyte little country's like Greece and the paddy's never mind us turning up with the begging bowl.

fitlike min

N E Scotland
no it went over your head,if we leave the UK we are automatically out of the EU so the sfp is gone same with NATO.the snp say we can rejoin but they say that not anyone else and even then it will take years,then why would the EU want us they are pished off bank rolling shyte little country's like Greece and the paddy's never mind us turning up with the /begging bowl.

That's more scare stories and you know it!.....ever heard of project fear?
no it went over your head,if we leave the UK we are automatically out of the EU so the sfp is gone same with NATO.the snp say we can rejoin but they say that not anyone else and even then it will take years,then why would the EU want us they are pished off bank rolling shyte little country's like Greece and the paddy's never mind us turning up with the begging bowl.

bulls**t or should I say Grump sh!t. An Independent Scotland could threaten to get into bed with whoever the wanted to. The threat alone of allowing Russia, Iran or North Korea to have Bases and site Missiles in Scotland, would soon bring both England and the EU to their senses.

They could also be extremely profitable for Scotland.

The argument of the anti independence brigade is all about what Scotland would lose.

There are pluses, that could make Scotland more than just viable.
no it went over your head,if we leave the UK we are automatically out of the EU so the sfp is gone same with NATO.the snp say we can rejoin but they say that not anyone else and even then it will take years,then why would the EU want us they are pished off bank rolling shyte little country's like Greece and the paddy's never mind us turning up with the begging bowl.

bulls**t or should I say Grump sh!t. An Independent Scotland could threaten to get into bed with whoever the wanted to. The threat alone of allowing Russia, Iran or North Korea to have Bases and site Missiles in Scotland, would soon bring both England and the EU to their senses.

They could also be extremely profitable for Scotland.

The argument of the anti independence brigade is all about what Scotland would lose.

There are pluses, that could make Scotland more than just viable.

fitlike min

N E Scotland
bulls**t or should I say Grump sh!t. An Independent Scotland could threaten to get into bed with whoever the wanted to. The threat alone of allowing Russia, Iran or North Korea to have Bases and site Missiles in Scotland, would soon bring both England and the EU to their senses.

They could also be extremely profitable for Scotland.

The argument of the anti independence brigade is all about what Scotland would lose.

There are pluses, that could make Scotland more than just viable.

Canny up!!!..some of us are sometimes a wee bit fussy about who we get into bed with!
We do have more opportunities than many other countries though!


bulls**t or should I say Grump sh!t. An Independent Scotland could threaten to get into bed with whoever the wanted to. The threat alone of allowing Russia, Iran or North Korea to have Bases and site Missiles in Scotland, would soon bring both England and the EU to their senses.

They could also be extremely profitable for Scotland.

The argument of the anti independence brigade is all about what Scotland would lose.

There are pluses, that could make Scotland more than just viable.
oh deary me,yes king Alex is going to invite kim dung heed to set up shop here?the argument of the anti independence brigade is if it aint broke don't fix it.then of course the pro independence brigade is pure racism we hate the English.
Canny up!!!..some of us are sometimes a wee bit fussy about who we get into bed with!
We do have more opportunities than many other countries though!

I would be as well, but was simply countering the argument that an Independent Scotland would have no influence or power, and that voting for independence equated to self castration.

Politics is the art of the possible, and an independent Scotland could certainly threaten to proceed on one of the lines I suggested.

I doubt if either England or the EU, would risk pushing Scotland into a corner, as a cornered animal is the most dangerous.

The threat alone would be sufficient.
Canny up!!!..some of us are sometimes a wee bit fussy about who we get into bed with!
We do have more opportunities than many other countries though!

I would be as well, but was simply countering the argument that an Independent Scotland would have no influence or power, and that voting for independence equated to self castration.

Politics is the art of the possible, and an independent Scotland could certainly threaten to proceed on one of the lines I suggested.

I doubt if either England or the EU, would risk pushing Scotland into a corner, as a cornered animal is the most dangerous.

The threat alone would be sufficient.

fitlike min

N E Scotland
oh deary me,yes king Alex is going to invite kim dung heed to set up shop here?the argument of the anti independence brigade is if it aint broke don't fix it.then of course the pro independence brigade is pure racism we hate the English.

Looks like there's a vertically challenged person who needs to grow up!.Why bring up accusations of racism?

Both countries will get on fine after independence, we'll have to, we're still going to be neighbours!....more project fear scare stories are trying to stir up resentment.

(That's not to say that I'm going to stop winding up folk that stay down there)

SFI - What % were you taking out of production?

  • 0 %

    Votes: 120 38.7%
  • Up to 25%

    Votes: 118 38.1%
  • 25-50%

    Votes: 42 13.5%
  • 50-75%

    Votes: 6 1.9%
  • 75-100%

    Votes: 5 1.6%
  • 100% I’ve had enough of farming!

    Votes: 19 6.1%

Expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive offer for farmers published

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  • 1
Expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive offer from July will give the sector a clear path forward and boost farm business resilience.

From: Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs and The Rt Hon Sir Mark Spencer MP Published21 May 2024


Full details of the expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) offer available to farmers from July have been published by the...