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Recent content by Andy Howard

  1. Andy Howard

    Black grass 24

    Nothing fancy. Just a manual knapsack. Not sure of the make. Don't fill it right up very often because it is then heavy, half fill and crack on.
  2. Andy Howard

    Black grass 24

    Gave up hand rogueing BG a few years ago. Use a knapsack and round up. Much quicker and less soul destroying. Also found when you pull one large BG plant there are a few more small ones next to it which can be missed when pulling. Or you miss one tiller when pulling and still get seed return...
  3. Andy Howard

    Situation Vacant Group secretary for Buying Group in Kent

    Group Secretary Small company requires a new secretary. Due to a retirement, a farmers’ buying group running a small office near Headcorn in rural Kent, needs someone with good people skills to manage the office. It’s a part time role of about 20 hours a week, usually on five mornings a week...
  4. Andy Howard

    Robotic Platform for Precision Nitrogen Applications

    I am involved in a Innovate UK project called N2 Vision N₂Vision – Automated Robotic Nitrogen Diagnosis of Arable Soil (wordpress.com) The eventual aim is to design a robotic platform that can assess the Nitrogen status of your crops down to the individual plant scale and then apply the...
  5. Andy Howard

    Companion cropping

    DM and we can have a chat
  6. Andy Howard

    Really early wheat drilling trial

    I love forums, even I don't know my average wheat yield as I haven't downloaded info myself! Gladly way above 5t/ha😂 I am only doing a small trial. Will need some rain though first. It will be on a clean field, clover understorey and I think about 100 plants per m2. Depending on when it is...
  7. Andy Howard

    Wheat yields so far

    Completely agree, also the fishing industry would be dead. The problem is there are people who think we should rewild 50% of the Farmland and are looking for an excuse. Not sure compost has microplastic. Plastic yes.
  8. Andy Howard

    Wheat yields so far

    My view is that it could be seen as a future contaminant and an excuse for people to reject crops from that land. Is is worth the risk? Not sure.
  9. Andy Howard

    Wheat yields so far

    How much micro plastic in it? Next big issue for industry.
  10. Andy Howard

    fert on w crops

    Upto around 80kg /ha of K can leach annually from soils. We are now January and there is potential for heavy rainfall and water logging during the rest of the winter. I agree soil type and local conditions need to be taken into account but I can't see why you would risk applying it now when it...
  11. Andy Howard

    fert on w crops

    MOP is highly leachable and K is not needed in winter cereals in any significant amounts for a long time yet. I would keep it in the shed A least you know it's not disappearing out your field drains in February.
  12. Andy Howard

    Companion cropping OSR

    We use clomazone on our peas and beans when intercropping with SOSR. So spring beans or peas. Not sure off sensitivity of other legumes like vetch.
  13. Andy Howard

    Site Required for Honey Bees in Kent

    Forgot to say. I am a couple of miles from Ashford
  14. Andy Howard

    Site Required for Honey Bees in Kent

    Yes, DM me for a chat.
  15. Andy Howard

    2018 - Flea beetle attacks in OSR

    It not a fail safe. Studies show a saving of one INSECTICIDE, doesn't negate their need. Like all cultural control methods they have their limits. There is a lot more benefits to companion cropping rape than just CSFB though.