Recent content by AngusLad

  1. AngusLad

    Confessions of the Sheep/Beef Cattle/Pig Addicts

    Do you use the moocall for everything that calves?
  2. AngusLad

    Scottish Sub Calving index 410 days

    You will be eligible the following year though? I'm not sure how that's much different to me for example complaining that I wouldn't get the Upland Sheep Support Scheme payment because I had decided to winter my Hoggs away for a year? Not everyone can claim all the subsidies all the time...
  3. AngusLad

    Confessions of the Sheep/Beef Cattle/Pig Addicts

    Think for best results you're best to dip strawberries in the chocolate 🤨
  4. AngusLad

    Newholland telehandler 6.36.

    Had one here on demo earlier in the year when I was looking to trade in my manitou but didn't really get on with it. It's a grand simple machine that was very competitively priced and could certainly shove. But found it had frustratingly slow cycle times for mucking out etc. We also thought it...
  5. AngusLad

    Confessions of the Sheep/Beef Cattle/Pig Addicts

    Aye grass has taken off this last day or two here. Will be tightening everything up and getting cows behind some poly wire this week 👌
  6. AngusLad

    Confessions of the Sheep/Beef Cattle/Pig Addicts

    Lambing pretty well finished at the other farm. Getting a start on marking twins this afternoon 👌
  7. AngusLad


    I do like a riggit!
  8. AngusLad

    Confessions of the Sheep/Beef Cattle/Pig Addicts

    There is a number of my cows that can be fairly snotty at calving time which I don't mind - if I want very maternal, motherly cows I think you have to accept that they are going to be protective of their calves. Just the same as a good blackie ewe will stand and fight the dog at lambing time...
  9. AngusLad


    Galloway's would be the choice of the two, belties are probably the least productive of the Galloway's though in my experience. A nice field of herefords would look bloody smart in that situation as well as being productive and docile
  10. AngusLad

    Confessions of the Sheep/Beef Cattle/Pig Addicts

    Been offered some bruised and ammonia treated at £190. Cheap enough at that 👍
  11. AngusLad

    Confessions of the Sheep/Beef Cattle/Pig Addicts

    Anyone bought feed barley ex farm recently? Still about the £150 mark?
  12. AngusLad

    Confessions of the Sheep/Beef Cattle/Pig Addicts

    Serves me right. He's a far more breedy type rather than a straight forward hill tup like I'd usually buy. Got talked into it after a few beers at a tup viewing 🤷
  13. AngusLad

    Confessions of the Sheep/Beef Cattle/Pig Addicts

    Aye the big horns are only really an issue in this group of ewes that I had shed off to use this expensive tup on with the hope of keeping some tup lambs off him 🤦 it's never really an issue I have too much bother with
  14. AngusLad

    Confessions of the Sheep/Beef Cattle/Pig Addicts

    Have had a new tup throwing some hooring big horns this year. Have had to lamb far too many that look like this.. He will be straight onto the trailer to longtown this week
  15. AngusLad

    Grass Condition.

    Chuck a heap of sheep on it and chew it off. Will come back stronger and better for it. Plenty time before July yet 👌