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Recent content by Bertram

  1. B

    Finding more land

    I've found some more by taking the old fashioned approach and writing to owners. "Hello, we farm down the road, should you ever be looking to let some ground under a cropping licence etc please would you consider us" It's inoffensive and polite and on a couple of occasions has led to an FBT and...
  2. B

    Deer stalking/Management

    I keep the numbers down out of necessity. Can’t say I take any pleasure from it though, it’s just a chore. I’d rather do it myself and make sure it’s safe and clean after the experience I’ve had with some of the “professionals” who are always offering their services. And I do like a venison burger.
  3. B

    Haymaking 2024

    I agree. I think they just take an average for the time of year and guess. Goodness knows why. They do the same in a dry summer, there’s always the promise of rain at the end of the following week in their forecast, then it changes.
  4. B

    4wd 80hp tractor with good turning circle?

    H reg. Not from new but for a long time. I used it for rolling a couple of days ago because everything else was busy or busted and I quite enjoyed a couple of hours proper field work with it. Only down side is 30k box, it took me nearly as long to get there as it did to do the job!
  5. B

    4wd 80hp tractor with good turning circle?

    Another vote for a 2850 or a 2650. Most nimble 4wd tractor of that era. Should find a decent one for £12k. Mine’s still earning its keep at 35 years old.
  6. B

    C dax slug master, sowing grass seed

    Don't know, I've asked Bullock but they've not got back to me. FETF only applies to certain models I think as the hopper needs to be a minimum size, maybe 300l, which rules out Stocks. Don't quote me, I looked into it weeks ago and I've slept since then.
  7. B

    C dax slug master, sowing grass seed

    I've not had much success with one mounted on the back of a Gator, the seed's too light and blows everywhere including mostly back into the cab. Might be better on a quad. Given the cost of the seed now I'm toying with investing in a proper air seeder to mount on the Einbocks.
  8. B

    Capital grants - Farming Equipment and Technology Fund 2024

    I’d like to fit an air seeder to our einbock tines. Anyone done that and successfully got a grant? Any recommendations on makes, e.g. bullock, stocks etc?
  9. B

    Say what George

    Quote of the day. Much respect to you.
  10. B

    George Monbiot, TFF in 'The Guardian'.

    He made a total cockend of himself I thought, he’s just incapable of putting a rational point across without descending into chippy prejudiced bullsh*t. I don’t know how anyone can take him seriously. And yet, they do ☹️
  11. B

    Latest Crime Wave In South East

    This is probably the long and the short of it. We all talk bravely of defending our property but the reality is that we do see ourselves as helpless. The “authorities” seem either powerless or unwilling to tackle the problem. I’d bet real money that before long, some farmer or just a law abiding...
  12. B

    Join BFU. We must stand together

    I'd chuck another few quid at this as a one off, if all of the current members did the same just to try and get the thing launched, it would probably be achievable. And that in itself could be the basis of press coverage - "farmers are so hacked off with the current regime that they're prepared...
  13. B

    Join BFU. We must stand together

    I know this is done with the best of intentions and I happily gave up a tenner for it, but with all due respect, it won't reach a critical mass until there's some proper publicity. What the BFU needs is some press coverage, in FW, Farmers Guardian, SW Farmer etc. I don't know how to do this but...
  14. B

    2wd quad?

    Thanks for all of the replies, looks like an Ozark is top choice. Anyone got one to sell to me??