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Recent content by CaptainC

  1. CaptainC

    I`ve learnt to fly a Microlight

    Thank you. I’m trying to get in the good side of flights ops but never really see them. I’ll message you in the morning.
  2. CaptainC

    I`ve learnt to fly a Microlight

    Oh very nice - a varied choice of types. I'd like to do one for the experience, but I have no doubt the old backside will be twitching hoping the automatics do their job! At the moment, I work in Airline Operations as a Disruption Manager for a rather large holiday airline whilst trying to...
  3. CaptainC

    I`ve learnt to fly a Microlight

    Oh nice! What were you flying. I’ve only ever done a CatIII autoland in the sim… real thing must be twitchy! Everything happens so fast in the last few feet when the runway lights appear!
  4. CaptainC

    I`ve learnt to fly a Microlight

    I am indeed. I find it quite satisfying flying around then descending back in to gloop following an instrument approach, then having the runway appear where it should be. Sad I know! 🤣
  5. CaptainC

    I`ve learnt to fly a Microlight

    Alas not, was a hire to renew my SEP Class Rating. Sounds like a good night out to me; flying and Italian food… what’s not to like?
  6. CaptainC

    I`ve learnt to fly a Microlight

    I got flying on Saturday out of Oxford. Weather was a bit rotten (cloud base around 1300ft), hence climbing up so I could actually see where I was going!
  7. CaptainC

    I`ve learnt to fly a Microlight

    Not sure they needed a study… jumping out of an aircraft at altitude without a parachute tends to be life-limiting. That said, I’ll take my chances, as there is no way I’m trusting my life to a giant hanky strapped to my back!
  8. CaptainC

    I`ve learnt to fly a Microlight

    Ah right. I had a C150 Aerobat share-o-plane several years ago that developed an interesting wiring fault - it showed I had low voltage and high voltage at the same time! Took 3 or 4 trips to the maintenance airfield to finally get it rectified.
  9. CaptainC

    I`ve learnt to fly a Microlight

    Great vid, looks a decent machine. Is it me or is the oil pressure high?
  10. CaptainC

    I`ve learnt to fly a Microlight

    It’s good to see it busy, especially after the last few years. Is that a Europa at the far left? I plan to build my own aircraft at some point (when time and money allows!) and it’s on my considerations list after watching ‘A Plane Is Born’ a number of years ago. Also like the look of the...
  11. CaptainC

    I`ve learnt to fly a Microlight

    Your last sentence sounds like every C152 at every flying school 😂 I did my PPL in one - 2 people plus fuel… not a cat in hell’s chance it would be under MTOW! A friend did his NPPL in a Eurostar which he seemed to like, but sadly doesn’t fly anymore. I’m based in the Midlands, near Loughborough.
  12. CaptainC

    I`ve learnt to fly a Microlight

    I’m currently around 123kg and 6ft 3, so not sure how many I’d fit in. I used to be staff at a Volunteer Gliding Squadron where we operated the Grob 109B “Vigilant” and max seat weight was 110kg. We had to wear a parachute which weighed 7kg, so the absolute max we could be was 103kg - I was...
  13. CaptainC

    I`ve learnt to fly a Microlight

    Nice to see another Pilot. I’ve not long returned from Poland as I was out there to do my Multi-Engine training, then EASA Commercial Pilots Licence. First time over there and really enjoyed it… even if I did spend 45 mins at one point at 1000ft looking at farms/countryside 😂 Never flown a...
  14. CaptainC

    The Farm Dog

    I tried that with my older pup… didn’t work 😂
  15. CaptainC

    Pigeon Shooting / Crop Protection (Loughborough)

    Thanks for the reply. I have noticed there’s plenty of developers in the area now - Strata, William Davies and Persimmon to name a few… shame there’s so many new builds going up! I’ve offered to help with various jobs for a local shoot over the springer/summer as and when time allows with a...