Direct Driller Magazine

Direct Driller is a new farming magazine, designed by farmers for farmers to educate and inform the industry about direct drilling and no-till techniques, soil regeneration and soil conservation in arable and mixed farming situations.
Where are you from?
North America
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Direct Driller Magazine is available free to all farmers and agronomists who register with us, you can receive a magazine, read on our website or download the PDF. Depending on your preference. Register Here.


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    Are you an NFU Member?

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    Are you a Dairy Pro Qualified?

    Thanks for letting us know if you are Dairy Pro qualified. Dairy Pro qualified members can get 2 points a year for being a TFF member from the Resources menu.
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    Are you NroSO Qualified

    NroSO qualified members can get 2 points a year for being a TFF member from the Resources menu.
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    Are you BASIS Qualified

    Thanks for letting us know if you are BASIS qualified. BASIS qualified members can get 2 points a year for being a TFF member from the Resources menu.
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    Can't Stop Posting!

    You've posted 100 messages. I hope this took you more than a day!
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    I am Liked

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    Keeps Coming Back

    30 messages posted. You must like it here!
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