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Recent content by farmer on a bike

  1. farmer on a bike


    Thank you.
  2. farmer on a bike

    Milk Price Tracker

    https://www.dairyfarmer.net/index.php?id=19 https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://agriculture.ec.europa.eu/system/files/2024-01/eu-raw-milk-prices_en.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjJ49HTjpOGAxUTQ0EAHYA4Cf0QFnoECCcQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3gxOCNhgHaUSccrCAnjZjP
  3. farmer on a bike

    Milk Price Tracker

    I always understood the target at the dairy was 3.8, to make sure it definitely hits 3.7 but maybe I am out of date.
  4. farmer on a bike

    Milk Price Tracker

    Did you read my post? I clearly said my comparison was “full fat 4 pints” (yes, if you want to pedantic then it can be argued that if standardised to 3.8% there maybe a small amount of extra income available from cream, which would amount to 2.5ppl if the raw milk was 4.3% fat at current cream...
  5. farmer on a bike


    Sorry I am not aware of contents and I suspect your interest lays more with telling us why it is a terrible submission.
  6. farmer on a bike


    If customers want to pay for Bovaer then it is their choice, but they must pay for it. It seems a likely solution in Denmark. How M&S square grazing cows where Bovear currently cannot be fed with this I don’t know. That threat has been around since DSM begun trials.
  7. farmer on a bike


    I don‘t think that would be fair to you as I now know the answer.
  8. farmer on a bike


    I think I have been pretty clear that Arla’s case to government could be summarised as “we are taking action, let us get on with it”, (presumably with explanation). I hope we also remind government that counting biogenic/enteric methane from cows is a nonsense. On point 2, maybe Arla should, but...
  9. farmer on a bike


    Sorry but you are misunderstanding the point. Arla like all businesses uses SBTi and the GHG protocols which currently use the GWP100 metric not GWP*. The last couple of posts I have made relate to why the GWP* metric has issues as well as benefits if everyone changed to that. The whole point...
  10. farmer on a bike


    I’m sure my wording isn’t perfect, by unintended I mean that a farm increasing cow numbers from 100 to 103 cows would roughly double it’s predicted warming impact from enteric methane compared to GWP100 as a business in that year under GWP*, 6 extra cows would treble it and 9 extra quadruple it...
  11. farmer on a bike


    I expect Arla will have contributed, they have a parliamentary advisor/lobbyist who picks up these things. The policy group normally consider at least a dozen or more parliamentary committees and consultations important to contribute to each year and generally the view is that continually...
  12. farmer on a bike


    Your? SBTi uses the green house gas (GHG) protocols which whilst using GWP100 (so totally ignoring the difference of biogenic methane) does allow scientifically verified carbon sequestration to be included, an area we need to get sorted ASAP.
  13. farmer on a bike


    I have submitted, however the rules for submission state: "Your submission should not have been published anywhere already. This includes blogs, newspaper articles, websites and journals, for example". I do totally agree with you that the more people submit views the better, I would particularly...
  14. farmer on a bike


    This is in no way analogous to the horrendous experience of the post masters, trying to link it is ridiculous. Arla compete for shelf space in our customers with Nestle, Danone, Lactalis, Savencia, Mueller, Unilever, Sodiaal, Glanbia, Saputo as well as other co-ops such as RFC, DoA, Fonterra...
  15. farmer on a bike


    You do if you follow science based initiative (SBI) standards which most large companies do. Although I totally agree it is wrong in this aspect. In respect of your other comment I think the left and right hand have not been communicating and I will encourage this is rectified. Farmers are...