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Recent content by glow worm

  1. glow worm

    Life after cows

    Oct 21 I started a forum and put the question 'life after cows' and now it's coming . I know it's the right decision but it's also so very hard. The people I mix with away from farming are SO removed from our way of life and have no understanding at all of real rural life. They talk about the...
  2. glow worm

    Local Area Connectivity Survey

    Anybody else received this survey form?! After carefully reading the small print, I gather it's voluntary despite the official looking logo and heading 'dept for science, innovation & technology'. Does anyone really answer all the in depth questions from this unsolicited circular? £10 carrot to...
  3. glow worm


    Thanks for info. Never heard of them. Will search on google
  4. glow worm


    I would imagine that most of us here have their own mobile but do you also pay for a landline for the business and if not, how do you cope without it? In all honesty, our landline only used really as answer machine by officials or messages for the business as a whole. + some businesses/ NHS etc...
  5. glow worm

    How to pxss off the general public .

    Now if you REALLY want to pxss off farmers .. let alone the general public .. go out on your cycles with your mates ... say 6 to 10 often seen.. go in a long line.. preferably on a not very wide road .. have no intention of pulling into a lay by etc to let the long queue that's built up behind...
  6. glow worm

    Brian May- badgers

    As someone who lives in a high risk TB area can somebody please explain to me, as the badgers population gets ever bigger, how do you train badgers not to venture into a TB4 area? It could be very useful information down here. With testing every 4 years in TB4 as against our 6 months, I just...
  7. glow worm

    Brian May- badgers

    As far as I know, uk Badgers have no natural predetors to keep their population size under control ... except man and disease. In this country, I believe the same also applies to Deer, also possible tb carriers. There is little outcry when herds of deer are managed in order to maintain a healthy...
  8. glow worm

    Encouraging keen youngsters

    Thanks but I'll ask local contacts 1st. I would like to help some future dairy farmers although a) not sure how much longer we'll have available stock and b) OH so throughly fed up with so many current aspects of dairying and processors that he is very anti encouraging anybody into the industry!
  9. glow worm

    Encouraging keen youngsters

    Years ago it was reasonably common for a dairy farmer .. usually pedigree.. to let a keen youngster 'borrow" a calf to gain preparation and showing experience in the showring etc. Does this still happen? Anybody on here doing it?
  10. glow worm

    Attacks on livestock

    An official explanation from NFU would be interesting because i dont understand that either. Any NFU official lurking on the side care to comment?
  11. glow worm

    Attacks on livestock

    The 'like' button seems a totally inappropriate message to send to the poor farmer who's calves were attacked in the shed by 2 dogs or indeed any farmer who's sheep etc have also been attacked because of irresponsible dog owners, but it's the only way we have here of showing support and empathy...
  12. glow worm

    Paperless invoicing

    :mad: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: Well known firms that send e-mails / reports using their own personal e-mail heading rather than the firms, :banghead: It seems to becoming more common and is VERY FRUSTRATING!!!!!! Just wasted a good 30 minutes because of it :mad:
  13. glow worm

    Paperless invoicing

    Silly question from a not particularly tech savy farmer. The cloud. Everyone advocates you save all your stuff to 'the cloud'. Business, private, sensitive .. you name it, all on 'the cloud'. You wouldn't dream of giving a perfect stranger all your sensitive information but it's ok to give it to...
  14. glow worm

    Paperless invoicing

    So many comments and solutions, mostly I suspect from tech savy people with an organised life, time and maybe extra help / staff? Maybe one day in a life without cows I'll catch up. Yes, computers are essential nowadays and I wouldn't be without one but also yes, paper records, as well as the...
  15. glow worm

    Paperless invoicing

    I think this has been discussed before .. apologies .. but more and more firms are now demanding we go to paperless invoicing to save costs .. theirs! ..or else pay for postal deliveries. Some just do it without even telling you. Some send a text in advance of the invoice so that you know to go...