
East Yorks / Lincs
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Not a Farmer


  1. 3

    Are you a Dairy Pro Qualified?

    Thanks for letting us know if you are Dairy Pro qualified. Dairy Pro qualified members can get 2 points a year for being a TFF member from the Resources menu.
  2. 3

    Are you NroSO Qualified

    NroSO qualified members can get 2 points a year for being a TFF member from the Resources menu.
  3. 3

    Are you BASIS Qualified

    Thanks for letting us know if you are BASIS qualified. BASIS qualified members can get 2 points a year for being a TFF member from the Resources menu.
  4. 10

    What type of Farmer are you

    Thanks for filling in what type of farmer you are
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    You have a Retina Avatar

    TFF is now “Retina-ready,” delivering avatar images up to 2048px.
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