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Recent content by Grazza

  1. Grazza

    Tom Brinkworth dies

    And the year he bought Uardry in NSW he had over extended himself and was unable to buy a 17,000 acre property closer to the home base for which he already owned all surrounding properties.
  2. Grazza

    Tom Brinkworth dies

    No one does, but who would we talk about in the pub on Friday night?
  3. Grazza

    Tom Brinkworth dies

    Many years ago there was someone who had traveled to the property to see Tom in person, his second in charge told him where to drive to find him, the person in question returned a short while later having driven straight past Tom saying that the only person he saw was some bloke fixing some fencing.
  4. Grazza

    Tom Brinkworth dies

    One thing is for certain, he understood the commodity nature of livestock production in Australia. If prices where good he would sell more stock and run less for a year. If old cows where making good money he would sell them and keep more young ones. Would change the mix between sheep and cattle...
  5. Grazza

    Tom Brinkworth dies

    Funniest Tom Brinkworth story I can think of off the top of my head was when he went to court on land clearing charges. Someone else who was in custody was appearing in court that day, so he got his lawyer to go and tell the judge he would give him a job if the judge would give him bail...
  6. Grazza

    Tom Brinkworth dies

    He lived just up the road from my old farm. I used to go on the school bus with his youngest son. Tom certainly has a unique way of doing things. He management style was to buy properties and to not spend any money on them. He would then leverage up all the proceeds to buy more land. Up until...
  7. Grazza

    South Australian Bushfires

    Just back from a two day stint mopping up out after the fire. About 400 km from my place but have relatives who had crops burnt. So unusual to have such a bad fire day so early in the summer. Made worse by the fact that harvest was in full swing, lots of machinery still out in the paddock as...
  8. Grazza

    Falling pound

    This bloke did http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principality_of_Hutt_River
  9. Grazza

    Spot spraying dye?

    Just be aware, it gets on everything. My 4 wheeler motor bike has a pink tinge to it. I have a 4 litre garden sprayer which I sometimes put in the back of the ute, I never put spray dye in that. I use an aerosol line marker to mark weeds that I have sprayed without dye.
  10. Grazza

    Why consider precision mob cell grazing.

    Is this the system arrowing is advocating? http://grasslandnsw.com.au/news/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Waugh-1997.pdf
  11. Grazza

    Starting out & Expanding farming

    Subsidies in Australia take the form of "drought aid" . Money is handed out in to certain people who meet certain criteria. A new government program is rolled out with every drought which seems to be about every five years. Recipients will might receive interest subsidies, freight subsidies on...
  12. Grazza

    breeding for twins

    My 2 cents worth. I prefer running sheep to cattle any day of the week yet I still have 70 breeding cows, why ? Because they are able to make use of feed that has become too rank for my sheep to effectively utilise. If I can feed a cow raising twins especially with high growth genetics I think...
  13. Grazza

    Net % of borrowed money v asset's Invested in farming

    Bu But what's the point in borrowing cheap money if you believe an asset is overvalued
  14. Grazza

    Farm Mission Statement

    A local farmer had a tank and vacuum pump on the back of an old truck to clean out septic tanks for some off farm income. On the back of the tank he had a sign that read "it may be s**t to you but it's bread and butter to me"
  15. Grazza

    Permanent Electric Fencing

    Property I used to work on was subdivided with 5 wire electric fences, posts spaced every 20 metres and poly batons/droppers tied on every 4 meters. It worked ok on flat country and gently sloping hills. On the country with steeper hills and sharper valleys had a lot of trouble with lambs...