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Recent content by kiwi pom

  1. kiwi pom

    Finally …..cumuppence

    Bit childish really isn't it. Seems common, especially on here. Hate incomers but love the fact they will pay mega money for houses and land. He certainly wasn't the only one to complain. They are farmers though according to the story, apart from the fact they want to turn 35 hectares of...
  2. kiwi pom

    Electric cars aren't the future

    Why do you think many governments want to wean us off ICE cars? You need a light commercial so an electric car wouldn't suit. The model Y was the bestselling car in the world last year, it may be true that the UK's BIK tax laws mean those with access to company cars went to EV's for tax savings...
  3. kiwi pom

    Electric cars aren't the future

    Not sure they are the answer to heavy applications. Last mile delivery maybe, but there are a few about now. Some hydrogen and dual fuel trucks on the road here too. Think the first hydrogen only commercial heavy truck has just crossed the 100,000 km mark, so early days. Dual fuels (diesel and...
  4. kiwi pom

    Electric cars aren't the future

    EV’s have done incredibly well in a short time, deadlines will change as I’ve said many times but the industry will continue. Some legacy manufacturers might go bust as they can’t keep up. Governments seem keen to protect them from the more motivated Chinese though so maybe not🤷‍♂️ The second...
  5. kiwi pom

    Electric cars aren't the future

    No it's not, the government was voted in and makes decisions on behalf of others. You need to set targets to achieve anything, it's just how it works. Those deadlines can and will change but they need to be set to drive things forward Do you expect them to ask for your permission for every...
  6. kiwi pom

    Electric cars aren't the future

    It’s a tricky one because you don’t want to be forced into doing something that doesn’t make sense or flat out doesn’t work, but if you don’t set targets nothing gets done. There’d be no Tesla for example if Elon didn’t set ridiculous timescales. Targets can and probably will change, without...
  7. kiwi pom

    Electric cars aren't the future

    I don't own one and don't plan on changing for a number of years yet as my car is a 2017 with low K's. I'm just open to tech that removes our dependency on oil and is perhaps better for the planet. BEV's combined with renewable energy, battery storage etc (like Elon's trying to do basically)...
  8. kiwi pom

    Electric cars aren't the future

    I meant incentives for the user like lower tax etc over ICE cars. Yes putting tariffs on Chinese vehicles just because they are cheaper when you claim your environmental goal is to reduce ICE vehicles is truly ridiculous. I think it's possible the whole EV thing gets scrapped because...
  9. kiwi pom

    Electric cars aren't the future

    If you don’t have incentives no one will ever change. Just look how set in their ways folks are on here. Many slagging off EV’s have never even sat in one let alone run one but they are convinced they are shite. I’d have thought they’d suit farmers plenty of off street parking and room for solar...
  10. kiwi pom

    Electric cars aren't the future

    Suit yourself, wouldn't bother me, battery life appears to be decent and will only get better as will repair options and probably warranty. Be a while until I need another car though.
  11. kiwi pom

    Electric cars aren't the future

    https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/volkswagens-cupra-at-risk-planned-eu-tariffs-says-brand-ceo-2024-09-03/ Oops. Not sure they thought that through with their rush to hammer China.
  12. kiwi pom

    Electric cars aren't the future

    That's their excuse for why car sales in all sectors are down. Nice spin (y)
  13. kiwi pom

    The attitudes of the younger generations.

    Following instructions and building the sets as intended is a good skill to learn, (they do free build as well) All ours are either displayed intact or taken to bits and stored in the loft complete as a set, often in their original boxes. I think it has taught them to take pride in and look...
  14. kiwi pom

    The attitudes of the younger generations.

    Yes you can take anything too far. There are a lot of people who don't do well around others, this has always been true, at least nowadays they can stay home and still interact with the world. I see it a bit with my two, my daughter loves people and spends a lot of time here with friends over...
  15. kiwi pom

    The attitudes of the younger generations.

    We have way too much Lego, the sets today are much more complex than the sets when I was a kid and require you to accurately follow detailed instructions. Some of the Technic sets we have are extremely detailed and tricky to build (although I could just be thick) many have full drivetrains from...