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Recent content by N.Yorks.

  1. N

    Gypsum on high Mag clay?

    I agree with that!
  2. N

    Gypsum on high Mag clay?

    How does the gypsum reduce the P and K Lock up?
  3. N

    Digestate costs

    It has probably become diluted, especially after last winter, with any rainfall that ends up your store.
  4. N

    Grazing days

    If the ground gets poached up then that's not particularly sypathetic to the soil or sustainable............
  5. N

    Digestate costs

    If they didn't tell you it was going to be more expensive I'd be inclined to only pay what it was last year. Surely they can't just make up a price without you agreeing to it in the first place?
  6. N

    Entry level open water wetsuit

    Just don't put your finger nails through it! If you do you can get some stuff called Black Witch neoprene adhesive, it's a 2 minute job to repair. Enjoy!
  7. N

    Entry level open water wetsuit

    What did you get?
  8. N

    should we axe 'Regenerative Agriculture' ?

    My mistake, I said K when should have been P....... it's Friday.
  9. N

    should we axe 'Regenerative Agriculture' ?

    You can get your soil K levels up, then understand how that K cycles around the farm system and what processes lead to losses and what leads to them remaining plant available. None of that is regenerative, just a question of taking the time to get your head around what is happening in your...
  10. N

    University farm

    Think DaveGrohl was taking the p!ss in a satirical way......... But you're right carbon in farming is complex and probably not really the solution - mucking about with soil sequestration is just fannying about on the margins trying to look useful and busy whilst we carry on pumping carbon out...
  11. N

    Entry level open water wetsuit

    Definitely don't buy until you have tried on..... I made the mistake of buying online and ended up having to buy a second as I used the first a couple of times before realising it really shouldn't be as tight as it was..... Open water is nicer than pool swimming for sure as you get into a...
  12. N

    Question from a lurker ……

    Think it depends on soil type, water table and what the stocking rate is............ wouldn't suite every location I agree.
  13. N

    Question from a lurker ……

    Ever thought of doing it differently? Smaller herd that calves in spring and stays outside for most of the winter - next to no slurry storage costs or winter housing. Would be an extensive system that means you can dispense with a big chunk of capital expenditure. Milk processing into cheese...
  14. N

    Agriculture robots - what doesn’t exist but should?

    This suggestion is bang on.......
  15. N

    How much nitrogen?

    Maybe you've got plenty of legumes in the sward.......? Maybe you're stocking rate is low and you don't need 14t DM/ha? There's not really a simple one size fits all approach.