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Recent content by nails

  1. nails

    New bridge,work in progress

    I can remember the Royal Engineers putting this one in place. River Oykel.
  2. nails

    Old farmer's saying's..... do you know any ?

    If it sounds very loud , Get off the Track. :ROFLMAO:
  3. nails

    What’s your gym routine?

    Looking at the country you farm you would get fit by plenty of walking and running a bit. For Upper strength get one of these and chop a few Trees down and cut into lengths rather than use a chainsaw
  4. nails

    Old farmer's saying's..... do you know any ?

    Rain before seven, Worse by Eleven.
  5. nails

    Recommend me fencing tools

    You need Baler Twine for fencing , old gates and pallets and a good supply of rusty barbed wire. That is all you need. :giggle:
  6. nails


    Blimey , you have only just run it in. :D
  7. nails

    dew ponds

    Well the ones i know of on the Downs round here mainly fill by collecting rainwater. Dew alone would not fill them. I am sure some deeper ones tap into Springs but the shallow ones were just shallow saucers lined with puddled clay.
  8. nails

    massey 6716s tier 5 low on power

    Yes , had a Claas Ares De Rating under load .No error codes but was faulty wiring from Injector pump to ECU. Could be sludge/bug in tank. If mechanical lift pump , could be worn Tringle rod
  9. nails

    Haymaking 2024

    As far as i know the forecast always said chance of Thundery Showers Sunday in the South and remaining showery into next week. I always go by what the text says , not the App or website automated forecasts. i.e. currently. Not a Haymaking forecast especially this late :cool: South West...
  10. nails

    So…… summer

    More Rain , More Rest. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
  11. nails

    Brian May- badgers

    Yes it is pretty pathetic of Brian May that he did not show his opinions being challenged by Peer reviewed backed opinions from leading Vets and scientists. My estimation of him has plummeted and he now seems a bit of a whining bitch.
  12. nails

    So…… summer

    There would be huge local variation due to Rain Shadow . In a mostly Westerly wind any ground immediately in the lee of Mountains and Hills can be astonishingly dry.
  13. nails

    So…… summer

    Yes around then, Some good pictures on this site although the text is a bit of a rant. https://rebeccadouglas.co.uk/smoke-across-the-ocean-how-canadian-wildfires-are-impacting-uk-skies/
  14. nails

    Haymaking 2024

    Late for hay now . Forecast says rain here Monday. Not seen anyone making Hay round here. Just 2nd and 3rd cut silage. I cut some Wild Flower Meadows today but it will only be bedding quality.
  15. nails

    So…… summer

    Yes , quite possibly . It was amazing the other day when we had the haze from the wildfires in the U,S,. The Sun and Moon were tinted and you could smell the traces of smoke in the air.