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Recent content by stroller

  1. stroller

    Accord slow speed stuck

    It's clear
  2. stroller

    Accord slow speed stuck

    I still haven't moved it, what happens if I take the circlip off and pull the cog off the shaft?
  3. stroller

    Accord slow speed stuck

    Done the wd, it’s always been a bit stiff
  4. stroller

    Accord slow speed stuck

    I have a moore unidrill with an accord type seed metering mechanism, I’ve pulled out the red slow speed cog but I can't push it back again. It is lined up with the indents in the cog behind but won't move at all, gentle persuasion with a socket and hammer won't shift it either. Any ideas?
  5. stroller

    Farmer survey on farm assurance.

    I see from the FW article that the national sheep association have dropped their vote of no confidence in crap red tractor, has someone had a offer they couldn't refuse?,
  6. stroller

    Where are all the songbirds?

    There seem to be very few songbirds around here now, even the sparrows nesting behind my soffit boards have disappeared, and no swifts either for the first time in my lifetime, else noticed similar?
  7. stroller

    Cefetra in Trouble?

    Sold a load of beans to them in April that were a bit wet and got redirected, I had to chase the payment, trader said it got lost in the system due to the redirection….. at least that was the excuse, got the money eventually
  8. stroller

    Mr Mackintosh, Red Tractor chair

    I try and treat it like a game, make up as much rubbish as possible and try and sneak it past them.
  9. stroller

    Farmer survey on farm assurance.

    Hopefully it become like the PPI scam and we get back the money they have stolen from us over the last 20 odd years.
  10. stroller

    Farmer survey on farm assurance.

    I found something positive to say about rt, I put this: The only good thing rt does is providing well paid jobs to the directors of rt, ahdb etc etc, who all seem to swap positions on the gravy train whilst leeching money from us.
  11. stroller

    Assurance survey

    Just in case you missed it: The UK Farm Assurance Review survey – The Independent Commission wants to hear your views | AHDB
  12. stroller

    Ouch.....then bugger!

    How did you do it?
  13. stroller

    Ouch.....then bugger!

    A few years ago I was in a lift accident in New York in a private house, 6 of us got in and it fell from the 5th floor. Three people had broken legs and ankles, my brother in law and the house tenant were uninjured, I had cuts in my head and chin from the nonsafety glass mirror that someone had...
  14. stroller

    how much is an oak tree worth

    Can you re-use them several times once you’ve pulled them out and hammered them straight ish?
  15. stroller

    Podstik on osr this year?

    Does it need to be the exterior grade one? As podstik smells just like pva, I'm seriously tempted to try some on a piece of crap osr this year, but I won't as that would be completely illegal.